Advice for Melody

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Hey girl, sorry for the late reply, my WiFi just kinda died, but we got it back up and running. I miss this app lol hows everyone doing?

Since there wasn't much info I just want to tell you. I'm not one to tell you if you actually like him or not. My most important piece of advice for you is that, sit down, ask your self how you feel and what you want. Do you want to date him? If so, go for it. Do you just want him to know and acknowledge it? Then tell him and become friends with him. Relationships take time but also an understanding if yourself. How comfortable are you around him? If the answer is not comfortable then you should become better friends with him and become closer. Ask him how he is during this time, ask him to chat, don't be shy if you really really like him. I'm always on your side if you need more advice.

Last but not least, please don't ever watch those "how to get a boy to like you" videos because most ideals in those are some what skewed in my opinion. Always trust your guts!

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