Some Clarifications

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Sorry guys, but this isn't a chapter. I just wanted to clarify a few things.

1.) Your ears and tail are the same color as your hair, but at the bottom of your hair, the tips of your ears and the ending of your tail all fade to white (or black, your choice).

2.) Your sacred treasure is a necklace that you've had since you were a kid. Its configurations  are similar to Kings'chastifol, and you have magic like Merlin

3.) You basically have goddess wings 

4.) You're a bad-ass

5.) You're amazing for reading my story

6.) Merlin looks evil in the photo above

7.) Your 16  in human years, your real age is 1600

8.) Your lesbian, but your close friends with Ban (he doesn't have a crush on you because I ship him with Elaine to much)

9.) This is based off  'Fallen Angel' by  @ladyfrosty and 'Fates Interwind'  by RinaMarvell

10.) I was gonna say more but I forgot what I was gonna say TwT

Ok so, yea. That's all I have to say. Next chapter will be out tomorrow or the day after love you guys baiiiii

Word Count: 190

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