Chapter 5

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I just got hit by a car. Not the first time but this was definitely the most painful.

I wake up. I'm laying there in the middle of the road. How is it still dark?

Nobody is there. The car isn't there, Esha isn't there. Was Esha ever here?

I crawl home. Nobody is in the streets. I can't feel my fucking legs.

I arrive at my house after crawling half a kilometer.

I open the door. Everything is dark. I don't see Kav.

I go to my room leaving blood trails on the floor. That's gonna be hard to clean off.

I climb onto a chair using all the strength I have left to turn on the light.

I can't feel anything anymore.

On my bed lays someone with long brown hair. I think it's Marti? I don't know. I don't wanna know. Can I even know at this point?

I climb onto the bed and pass out. I can't take anymore.

When did this all happen?

I had some weird dreams again. They said no superpowers though.

I wake up. My legs are bandaged up. I look like one of those anime characters. Hah.

I can smell eggs and bacon. Who is in my house?

"Hey!! Who's there!" - I said

I heard footsteps coming towards my rooms door. I was scared for my life.

The weird things happening, the state im in, this could be anyone!?

"Breakfast is ready!"

It's Marti.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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