You'll Be Back - Virgil/Prinxiety

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Character Focus: Virgil

Ship: Unhealthy Prinxiety

Trigger Warnings: Character death/ murder, Unhealthy relationship

If this seems familiar maybe you've seen the terrible video I made for it.

Virgil was knelt beside the throne of his dozing prince as usual and fighting back the urge to bolt. He would wait until the time was perfect. He kept glancing to the self centered man who had ripped him from his life praying he would fall asleep faster. Finally the long awaited snores brought Virgil to his feet as he cautiously stepped away from the throne just in case Prince Roman was faking. Making it a few steps away he deemed it safe and flipped off the prince as he sprinted from the castle.

Virgil knew Roman would not be happy to find his pet had disappeared but at this point the only thing that mattered to him was getting back to his family and home. A group of outcasts living in an alleyway. They'd been caught once stealing food from the market and were brought before Roman for judgement. He released Remus and Janus who refused to leave Virgil behind until they were forcibly removed.

Ever since Roman had kept Virgil close, presenting him as a trophy. He even had the gall to try kissing his prisoner and smacked him when Virgil pushed him off. But now he was free. He could go home. He almost cried seeing his friends in their usual alleyway who quickly embraced him in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're alright," cried Janus who now refused to let his friend escape his grasp. Remus, the youngest of the three, circled around their hug throwing his arms in the air and screaming with joy. "I was worried he killed you because of us."

Virgil wiped the tears from his friends face. "Shhh. I'm fine, stop crying." He embraced him one more time and lowered them to the ground, allowing Virgil to explain the recent nightmare he called Roman. Janus comforted him as Virgil wept through his tale and vowed to protect him from ever enduring that torture again.

As they were talking Prince Roman's most trusted guards discovered their hiding place. Janus noticed them first and placed himself between them and Virgil, knowing their true purpose for being there. Remus covered his eyes, not liking the idea of violence or a friend getting hurt and Virgil stood by watching Janus struggle to fight against the guards.

Unfortunately Janus's illusion magic only worked on people and could not aid in their current predicament. He tried his best to keep the guards at bay but was quickly caught by the neck and choke until he fell unconscious.

The second guard made his way towards Virgil and Remus, the former standing before his young friend to protect him which only resulted in the three being locked in the castle dungeon.

Remus cried and cuddled up next to Janus as Virgil watched guiltily from a few feet away. He shouldn't have left. His friends would still be fine if he hadn't. Roman entering interrupted his guilt as he held Virgil's chin up to face him. Virgil pulled away instinctively which only angered the prince more and he left briefly.

"Fine then Virgie. I'll show you what happens when you defy me."

Virgil cowered on the cold ground as Janus regained consciousness and was tackled by Remus who was happy to see his friend well. The two of them held hands, assuring each other they would make it out of this. None of the three prisoners noticed the reappearance of the prince accompanied by a guard.

Not until Roman held Virgil's head up to watch as the guard stabbed Remus through who was still clutching onto Janus. Janus and Virgil both screamed, running over to their fallen friend and crying. They silently mourned their friend before Virgil asked Janus for a favor. A favor Janus didn't like in the slightest but knew must be done.

Prince Roman and his guard reentered the cell soon after. "Now are you ready to listen to your prince Virge," he asked smugly. Virgil didn't even respond and only gave him a cold stare. Roman signaled the guard and held Virgil to watch the murder of his only friend left.

Janus smiled as he was run through by the guard while Virgil sobbed. "This is what he wanted. All because of you," he spat at the prince as the illusion dropped. Roman threw Janus from his arms and ran to Virgil's bloodied body.

"No no no no no," he shouted, shaking the body as if he could bring him back to life.

The guard took Roman's distress as sign to kill Janus as he had been expected to do from the beginning and finished the job, leaving Roman in the cell with three bodies in his wake.

809 words

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