flashing lights

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flashing lights

bright, so bright

who will not be

coming home tonight?

is it the man

who leaves bruises

on the gentle eyes

of his most beautiful wife?

or is it the boy

who claims she

didn't put up a fight?

flashing lights

bright, so bright

do not hold out

on the truth untold

oh dear God

don't let it be

the dear young man

who's living down the street

his mother, who raised him

well, so well

is pacing their floor

praying she won't

live this most brutal of hells

the boy's father's fate

should not become his own

this hell

oh this burning damnation

is not what is meant for him

perhaps he was misunderstood

when he said he desired the white coat

the poor young man

was coaxed into the gruesome life

that accompanies the white coke

perhaps he felt the weight

of his father's poor choices

and experienced the pain

of his existential downfall

still, this life

he did not deserve

flashing lights

bright, so bright

his gut-wrenching fate

is what his mother awaits

as your cold hand of misfortune

raps upon her wooden door

I pray God takes mercy

upon the heart-broken soul

of the mother

who now knows

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