Dear mom [part 1]

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Dear mom...

I love you I hope you know that cause at the end of the day you're the reason I'm in this world.

But mom how come you never taught me to be a woman. How many years is it supposed to take me to learn the things you should have taught me from the minute I could speak? And to this day I still don't know everything about my body.

You should have taught me how to braid, to love myself, to do makeup, to respect others, to know my self worth..... But why.

Why am I just now learning to do these things years later? it's hard to get through something without being taught that these situations are normal for girls, without having a stable foundation to be ready for them.

I can already guess what your words of advice would be "it's okay" "just keep pushing" "dont give up". And to that, I say bull shit. Just keep going you say, wow that's all you got how can I keep going if my mom's not there by my side. How are you gonna encourage me to keep going then walk away?

Whether you like it or not or I like it or not I need a mother in my life that's the job you signed up for when you decided to become a parent.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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