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He walks away from the murder scene, silver blade still in hand. His mess left behind, with not a single hair of evidence left , that could tell anybody he was there. Jughead glares at himself, looking at his reflection in the shattered window in the dimly lit alleyway. He had just killed a boy, in his younger ages. About 18.

The boy asked to meet him, earlier that day to chat. He presumed that he actually wanted to talk about the whole bullying situation and met behind a local diner where he spotted him learnt against a dumpster, arms folded.

20 Minutes Before~

"What do you want?" Jughead scoffed, seeing the one and only, Jason blossom. He never took off his varsity jacket, it was like a trophy to him.

A trophy to tell everyone to stay away. Even though Jughead was on the sports team, Jason treated him like he was less of a man than he was.

Jason eyed him up and down, looking at his victims Varsity jacket and let out a pathetic laugh.
Jason was the rich kid of the school, always acting like he was better than everyone, and being followed round with his own little crowd of Jocks.

Jughead was still friends with the sports team, but none of them knew that Jason made him the laughing stock of the school when they were younger, and lowered his reputation whenever he felt like it, in ways Jughead didn't like to mention to anyone. He was a rare type of person, a Jock, that didn't have any close friends. Just the ones that he would be paired up with in class, exchange a few words...maybe talk for 10 minutes of the lesson, and never speak again.

"What I want? " Jason slowly walked towards him and dangled his long arms to his side. "I, want you off the team."

"No. I'm not getting off the team." Before Jughead could turn away, Jason threw a swing at his left cheek, causing him to stumble over, onto the cold and wet floor. He used the concrete to push himself up and climbed back onto his feet. He stroked the side of his face, swiping the blood away with two fingers giving him a deceiving and surprised look.

It was almost like he forgot what happened, as soon as it happened. He was engulfed by memories, of Jason tormenting him since Kindergarten, and loops of his pathetic insults played in his mind. Without recognition, his switch blade was through his stomach. His eyes then darting around his dark surroundings. He leaves Jason choking on his own supply of life, rolling round in his blood in the cold and whipped wind of the evening. 


Walking around the front, sliding the blade back into the pocket of his jacket, he noticed a splash of blood on the side of his white tank top. He pulls his jacket over to cover the red stain and walks into pops, his hair damp from the spitting rain.

He took a deep breath and sat opposite a table of kids from his school, and took out his phone before he was alerted by the sound of someone calling his name.

"Jughead!" It was Archie. The only person on the team that seemed to be interested in talking to him. They weren't close friends, just good pals.

He stood up, and walked over to Archie, Leaning his hand on the booth seat he he had his back on. 

"Hey" He smirked at him, chewing the same gum he had been chewing for a few hours.

Jughead looked at the raven haired girl sat next to him, and nodded, still chewing the gum with his front teeth.

"Veronica, Jughead." Archie looked between the two,  "Rich bitch by day, Waitress by night." He continued. She slapped his arm jokingly, followed by a sarcastic laugh.

"Betty, Jughead." His head turned to face Betty. Smiling, he stared at her for a few seconds, admiring her beauty. "Cheerleader by day, and at night? That remains a mystery to me."

"Flattering, Arch." She grinned whilst she , showing her pearly whites. He thought she was beautiful, her blond hair sat on her shoulders and her voice, soft and calming.

"So, How have you been?" Arch said, breaking the short silence. Before he could reply, a loud scream came from the back of pops. Jugheads heart skipped a beat, knowing that the body had be discovered by a waitress or worker.

Running back into pops, the young woman grabbed the old telephone and held it to her ear, whilst spinning the numbers on the yellow box. She wasn't talking loud enough for anyone to hear, so everyone was left in confusion.

Everyone was looking at eachother, except for Jughead who's eyes were glued to the police car that pulled into the car park of pops. He watches as Sheriff Keller steps out of the vehicle, a hand placed on his handgun in his side belt.

A few other police cars turn up over the course of 20 minutes, they all have flashlights and look around the building.

"Jason Blossom." Sheriff Keller says to Pop as he enters the building with a chime of the bell. "He's dead, and the wounds look somewhat fresh, which leads me to think the crime was committed in the past hour."

Pop pulled out a device, where the sheriff examined it. He pointed at something on the screen, and popped clicked it, causing it to pause.

"Who is that?" Pop questioned. He looks up and his eyes dot around the restaurant, Betty's face grew scared and she looked worriedly at Archie.

Pop nudges the Sheriff with his arm, and points at Jughead. His expression, dead. The sheriff looks back at the screen,
"Jughead Jones." He whispers in shock.

Two policemen come out from behind him and starts walking towards Jughead.
"Oh shit.." He whispered under his breath. Within a moment or two, the police are cuffing his arms behind his back, whilst rambling the traditional phrase.

Archie stands up and looks at the blood stain that was splatted on his shirt, and looks up at him with concern.

Before anything could be said, he was pulled away. His face turned from worried to filled with anger but he resisted, and gave into what was happening.

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