Chapter 1

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"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP BOY" daddy screeched. I mumbled a small sorry and bolted out the door as mommy covered me. Daddy always hits mommy and me. But she says that he loves us. If that's what love is. I don't want it.

I ran out by the nearby tree in the courtyard that was surrounded by bushes. Tears slowly trickled down my face as I slide down the trunk of the tree.

Too many emotions were raging within me. I didn't know how to suppress all these emotions. I can't have an opinion on anything. If I talk I get hit. If I cry I get called weak. I can't do anything. So that's what I'll do.. nothing. Nothing at all.

I sat there. My mind clouded. So many thoughts I couldn't pick one. Unconscious tears slipped out of my eyes as I harbor my feelings when someone interrupted my breakdown. A boy my age appeared in front of me. He was running around with a red plane in his hand as he neared the bushes that hid me. He was about to run over the bush when he noticed me.

He looked at me and cocked his head to the side. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" the blonde inquired. I just looked at him. No one ever really noticed me, so this was a first. "Can you talk?" he asked. I stayed silent for a minute but eventually spoke up. "My daddy hits me when I talk" I whispered.

His eyes widened at my statement. He climbed over the bushes and crouched next to me. For some reason, he brought this warmth. I looked into his eyes warm hazel eyes and felt relaxed. Strange. "A real dad doen't hit his family.. are you hurt?" he asked. I averted my gaze as he took my arm in his hands as he moved my sleeves back.

 A slight blush crept onto my face at the gentle contact as I felt somwthing twirl in my stomach. What's this feeling? Maybe it's just because I wasn't used to gentle carresses instead of being beaten.. I was snapped out of my flustered state as I heard a gasp.

"Oh gosh! You're all bruised! I can't imagine how much more ouchies you have!" the blonde said. I stayed silent as I slowly pulled my arm away. He looked at me with sad and pitiful eyes. He stuck out his hand. "I'm Yoshida. Yuki Yoshida. Let'sbe friends!" he beamed.

My mouth hung open. He just saw me in such a vulnerable state, how can he want to be friends with me? No one ever wanted to be friends with me..  "Are you sure? I've never had a friend before." I said. A flash of worry sparked in his eyes, but he quickly recovered and flashed that award winning smile.

"Of course!". A small smile on my face, I acceped his hand shake. "My name is Mafuyu Sato".

He then sat next to me and held my hand. "As your friend, I can't have you being hurt anymore. We need to tell someone" Yuki said. My breath hitched at the thought. "C'mon Mafuyu, let me help you" he stood up again and held his hand out to me.

I shakily took his hand, we walked to his house and I met his mom. He stayed with me and helped me tell Ms. Yoshida about my abusive father. Later that day, red and blue lights were flashing in front of my house. Mommy was crying as Ms. Yoshida held onto her.

I stood there. Watching as the police brought daddy out in handcuffs. Yuki squeezed my hand in reassurnce as he scowled at my daddy. Yuki stayed with me, hand in hand since earlier. He would always be by my side. 

                                                                       Or so I thought..

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