Explanation pt. 3

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Basic Aro-Spec and A-Spec Terms.

Demisexual/Demoromantic: Can ONLY experience _____ attraction once a strong platonic bond has already been established.

Graysexual/Grayromantic: A person who experiences _____ attraction very rarely or with very low intensity.

Akoisexual/Akoiromantic: A person whose ____ attraction fades if it is reciprocated.

Reciprosexual/Recipromantic: The exact opposite of akoisexual/akoiromantic (can only feel ____ attraction if the other person feels it for them)

Aceflux/Aroflux: A person who's ____ identity fluctuates within the spectrum, maybe out it sometimes.

Aegosexual: An asexual who can still masturbate and enjoy erotic media. They are still asexual, as they have no desire to actually participate in sex and are disconnected from whatever fantasies they may have.

Also, since romantic attraction is seperate from sexual attraction, it is important to note that many a-specs use words such as "homoromantic", "heteromantic", and "biromantic" to describe their romantic orientation if they are not aromantic.

don't expect yourself to memorise all of these right away. it comes with time. :)

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