Hero King Within Sacred Lands

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The Hero King continued to try and break the boulder, a possible half hour passed before the unfortunate conclusion arrived.
The boulder was unbreakable.

But Marth thought about it, and realised that the boulder must be an obstacle that can only be passed through once another puzzle was complete

He knew he had help, And Sonic would be quick to find any solution to this puzzle, leaving Marth which not much of a choice

So he sat down, and waited

Which wasnt too long of a wait, (not counting how long he tried breaking the boulder) As the boulder Begun to glow and slowly Dissapear in front of Marths Eyes.

The miracle was followed by a loud "Aw Yeah!" Echoing behind Marth, Turning around in time to Catch the blue blur speeding past, only for a second. But it gave Marth all the answers he needed

The Hero King Faced forward, and prepared to battle the Young Hylian Hero, a battle he was ready for

Was not the battle he got

Appearing right out of the darkness, a Blade twice the size he expected was slashing towards him, and without notice, he was taken to final destination once more, Confused and shocked, he looked towards the opponent he was facing

Cloud Strife

...that wasnt Young Link

The Hero King Stumbled in his surprise, But Regained his composure soon enough, this was his Fight now,
And fight he would.

Cloud Started off shooting a blade beam at Marth, The Hero King Jumped above it and descended towards Cloud, Challenging from the air

Cloud put up his shield, blocking the attack, And retaliated with an upward slash assisted with a jump, the climhazzard.

Marth was kinda upset with himself, falling for this trick. This habit needed to halt if he wanted to win.

After Getting dragged down, Marth was sent flying away and hit the ground, but managed to tech and roll away

Marth ran up to Cloud, Staying Aggresive. He needed to utilize spacing to get through this, Cloud could rack up his percent quickly if he wasnt careful.

He attacked with a regular Slash, Easily connecting and Leading into many follow up slashes, Marths Movements so elegant he was practically dancing as he swung

The blade glowed Green as Marth multi jabbed to end the Flurry of attacks, he did good damage and kept it up, Following after Cloud.

The Mercenary Teched the Launch and rolled right towards Marth, A predictable move as Marth followed up with an upward thrust, Catching Clouds roll and sending him into the air

A Juggle situation, Marth Jumped into the air and Hit Cloud with an upwards aerial slash, Planning to keep pursuit.

Cloud had another plan though, charging downwards with his Blade beneath him. Attacking Marth and safely getting back onto the ground, now it was Marth in the terrible position.

Cloud managed to make it back to the air and tried to reach Marth, the Hero King Barely Dodging the attack, Using his mid air dodge and landing safely.

Marth went to attack Cloud as he landed but the Mercenary hit first. Landing the first hir and soon the rest of his cross slash attack, dealing much damage and leaving the hero king on the edge of the stage.

The both were now on the stage in  neutral positions, But Marth was closed to the verge of defeat, he needed a way to defeat Cloud fast before he was taken out first

And in no time he figured what hed have to do

Marth took a risk and dashed at Cloud again, Taking to the air, Cloud rushed forward as well, seeing this as an opportunity to close the game

Marth spaced an forward Ariel Slash, Cloud shielded as he expected and prepared a climhazzard. Cloud jumped up and slashed upwards going for the same attack hed used already

But it missed, as Marth drifted back ever slightly after the hit just enough to dodge the slash, The Hero King got on the ground and prepared for Cloud to descend.

Clouds landing was intercepted with a counter, not enough to send the Merc much of a distance, but it was all Marth needed.

Marth jumped to the air once more and charged a Powerful Stab, Predicting the next move, Cloud pushed himself back to his feet and Put his shield up, trying to block Marths attack

That was the wrong move.

As Clouds shield was put up, Marth let out the fully charged stab, the shield Breaker. And it stayed true to its name as time slowed down and Cloud was Forced into a daze

Cloud was Helpless, And at a good enough percent to die to a strong attack

Marth decided to keep it flashy though, Pushing Cloud to the edge of the stage, lightly enough as to not wake him up from the daze

And he taunted, just to show off "Everyone! Watch this!" He shouted to nobody. Just being a bit care free for the small moment he's allowed

Short hopping and hitting Cloud with the first hit of his Ariel Spin attack to position Cloud, he landed and swifty jumped and positioned himself above the Stunned Mercenary

And then in the flash of an eye he hit Cloud with an Ariel Spike attack. Sending Cloud directly downwards and out of the Stage.

Marth had won yet again

And Now he was back on the path. In front of him lay the same structure he spotted before the battles commenced. A wide podium made of stone sporting the Tri-Force symbol. And the Master Sword being held within stone

Cloud pushed himself up holding his head, confused beyond belief. Having regained conscious in some dark area he had no clue of, he was bound to have questions

But seeing Marth sternly facing a structure in this unknown realm told the Mercenary that now wouldnt be a good time to ask.

The two both stood still, before Cloud took initiative and walked towards the Master Sword, Ready to unsheathe the blade from its stone captivity

Before the blade proceeded to Rise up on it's own, the sudden movements causing the two sword wielders to step back. The blade must have uncovered something.

Something that they'd discuss tomorrow. With the rest of the group

And get closer to facing dharkon. Bringing peace to the land of smash.

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