2: Todeku

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Izuku POV:

I sat in my desk, waiting for the class to start. I had gotten here early as I forget to reset my clock. I laid out my notebook and a few pens and pencils. The room was silent. I've never seen it like that before. It might be a while, so I put in a pair of earbuds and lay my head down, staring out the window. I played my music low. After a few songs, I heard footsteps and the door open. I looked up to see Todoroki and took out one of my earbuds. "Oh, Midoriya, you're here early," he says, walking over to his seat. "Mhm, I didnt reset my clock." He nods. "How much longer until more people start showing up?" I ask. "About 5 minutes give or take." I reply with a hum. 5 minutes. Alone in a room. With Todoroki. Just, breathe. Just, BREATHE! I look over at Todoroki, my earbud now back in. He looks so calm. Before I could stare for too long his gaze meets mine and I immediately snap my head back to my desk. I hope he didnt notice I was staring. I looked out the window until more students started arriving. After about 10-15 minutes, Mr.Aizawa arrived and told us to take our seats. He started off by doing attendance and the usual morning stuff. "Alright, first things first, I am assigning a writing assignment project that you will have to do as partners. I will be choosing partners at random, so don't get too excited. The assignment is for you and your partner to discuss each other's good qualities and why each other's qualities would make them a good hero. Also list a flaw as well, but describe what they should do to work on it to become a better hero. The assignment is due in 3 days and is to be completed outside of school. The principal suggested this assignment, so please actually do it. Iida will hand out a worksheet giving more detail. Before we move on to class work, I will assign partners. Luckily, everyone is here today. Without further a due, I will select partners by who I havent seen work together often, but also who I think would work well together." He pulled out a piece of paper which I assumed had our pairings on it while Iida handed out a stack of papers. "First will be Uraraka and Hagakure. Next will be Kirishima and Bakugo. Next is Asui and Tokoyami. After that we have Midoriya," please oh please be someone good, "and Todoroki-" I felt the color drain from my face as Aizawa continued to read off names. T-todoroki?! We would have to meet up after school?! And TALK?! Oh boy... Aizawa's switch from names to sentences brought me back from my thoughts, "I recommend each pairing meet up today at one of your house's to at least discuss a gameplan and maybe start on the assignment. If you got it done today, you are allowed to turn it in tomorrow, but I won't read any of them until Monday. That is all I have to say on the topic. If you need help or have any questions, email me them after school. I will give you 5 minutes at the end of class to discuss arrangements. Let's move on shall we?" His voice remained monotone. He moved on to some lesson and we took notes. I have to talk to Todoroki? And write about how amazing he is? Is this some sort of joke? I mean, it makes sense to write down the good things about people and why that makes them a good hero as well as one flaw and how to improve upon that, but seriously? I guess Todoroki and I have never worked together on an assignment even though we would get along. Usually I would choose Uraraka or Iida, one time even Asui. But Todoroki? I mentally sighed. I'm going to be such a klutz! I cant do this. I will scream.

~~~~~~~time skip to after class~~~~~~~

I packed my things into my bag as Todoroki walked over to my desk. "Is it okay if we start working on the project today?" I nod, "yeah that's fine with me." I stand up and push my chair in. "Could we possibly do it at your house? I'm not really allowed to have people over." "Oh uh yeah that's fine with me." I felt a pink brush over my cheeks. "Great. When should I come over?" "I-I mean you can come over now if you'd like, but if not anytime is fine with me," I barely manage out. "Now sounds good. I'll have to message my sister to let her know of my whereabouts first." I nod as the bell rings and people start to leave class. Todoroki messages Fuyumi I think her name was and then puts his phone in his pocket about a minute later. "She said it's fine if I go as long as I'm back before dark." I smile, "okay, let's go then." He follows me out the door, walking next to me down the hall and out the doors. It was mostly quiet during the walk. I felt so awkward. My hands were really sweaty. "Hey Todoroki?" He looks up at me. "Would you mind if we stopped at a cafe or something and got something to eat? Like to bring to my house and stuff?" My hand twitched. "Oh uh sure that's fine." I was a little relieved. We walked only a little farther and got to a cafe that my mother went to all the time. "Hi, welcome to Cafe Latte. What may I get you two?" The lady at the front greeted us. I looked over the menu briefly and turned to Todoroki, "you can get whatever you want." He smiles for a second in thanks and turns to the lady. His smile nearly made my heart explode. "Can I get a bag of Cinnamon puffs and a small vanilla latte?" (AN: I dont know how coffee works lmao also I know cafes usually bring your things to you but this one is special okay it was created using 1 braincell) The lady smiled at him, "and for you?" I thought for a moment. "I should probably bring my mom home something as well. Can I get 2 blueberry donuts and 2 small blueberry shakes with extra blueberry flavor?" She nodded, "would you like whipped cream on the shakes?" I nodded, "yes please!" She entered it onto the screen and looked back at me. "The total will be ¥1546." I handed her the money and she smiled. "Please have a seat while you wait." I nod and follow Todoroki over to an empty table. "So, uh, have you been here before?" I ask, trying to make conversation. He shook his head, "no, this is my first time." I responded with a hum. I wiped my hands on my pants as the sweat built up. We made very small talk for a few minutes before the worker came up and gave us 2 small bags and a drink holder with our drinks. "Have a great day!" I smiled and held the door open for Todoroki, "thanks, you too!" I insisted that I carried all of the things to the house, which was not too far. He silently follows me into my house as I close the door behind us. "Oh, Izuku! You brought a friend over! Todoroki, from his class, right? The one with have ice half fire quirk?" My mom holds her hand out for him to shake. He shakes her hand and nods, "yes ma'am, that would be me." He giggles, "ma'am? Am I really that old? Please dear, call me Inko." "Okay, Inko." He smiled at her. Oh, the way he smiles. I snap back into reality and opened a bag, handing my mother a donut and her drink. "These are for you, from the cafe." She smiled, "oh, thank you!" I smiled, "no problem." It was quiet for a moment until I broke the silence, "well, Todoroki and I have a project to work on for Aizawa's class, that's why he's here, so we are going to go work on it now," I say, heading towards my door, Todoroki following close behind. "Alright, you two boys have fun! But not too much fun," she winked at the end, making me turn profusely red. "Mom!" She laughs, "I'm only teasing Izuku." I sigh and enter my room, closing the door behind us. "Please, make yourself comfortable," I tell Todoroki, gesturing to the bed. He sits on the edge and looks around as I sit next to him. "You have a lot of all-might decor." I smile, "yep. He is the best hero ever after all." Todoroki nodded and pulled out a piece of paper from his bag, which was resting on the floor infront of him next to mine. "Shall we get started with a few bullet points? We can start with you." I cross my arms and nod. "Okay so, first, it says list 3 good qualities and explain, so we will do so." He brings out a pencil and I once again nod. "Okay so..." he pauses and stares at me for a moment, making heat rise to my cheeks. "Okay, well for starters, you have great determination. You always aim for the highest, but dont get upset and quit if you dont get the number 1 spot. That's pretty good." He writes it down, "th-thank you," I say, looking down. "Mhm. Okay number 2. You are really clever, you always know how to solve problems and turn bad situations into good ones. You can easily strategize." I couldn't handle him complimenting me, even if it was just for an assignment. I squeezed the sleeves of my shirt a bit and continue to look down smiling, extremely red. He looks at me, making me turn redder, "Am I embarrassing you? Because if so we can stop." I shake my head and force myself to look up, "oh no no it's fine it's fine really we should continue on the project dont mind me it's fine," I ramble on. He nods. "Okay. Next... oh! You always have respect for people and see the good in them. You listen to their side of the story and you are good at helping them better themselves. For example, you helped me realize that my quirk was mine and nobody else's. I never thanked you for that. Thank you," he looked at me with a small smile. I returned the smile and closed my eyes, putting my hand behind my neck, "oh, no problem!" I open my eyes, and my eyes may have been playing tricks on me, but a very light pink appeared on his face. It was so adorable! "How about this, we finish writing the points about you and then we play a game. We can meet up again tomorrow and we will have all day to write the points about me and to write the essay." I smiled, "that sounds great!" He turned back to the paper. "Now, we have to find one flaw and at least write about how you could fix it." I could already tell this was going to hurt. What would he say? I'm too childish? Too annoying? Too hopeless? "Too kind." I looked at him, sort of shocked. "You always get too involved with trying to see the good in people and you always try to push them to be better, which can be a good thing at times, but in battle, it may be your downfall. You could be caught offgaurd or you could provoke the enemy to try harder." "Like I did with you, at the sports festival?" He looked at me. "Yes, like you with me at the sports festival. You getting too involved made me use the other half of my quirk again, which was great for me, but it ended up causing you the match. You could have possibly gotten onto the list of the top 3, but you instead chose to better me. It could have been deadly for you if I was a villain." He sounded sort of... concerned? Worried? I dont know. "Yeah, I understand. I'm glad I helped you though." He smiled. "Me too." We stared at each other for a moment in silence. I realized the situation and snapped my focus to my knees and blushed. "So uh, that game. Did you have anything in mind?" He nodded, "Actually, Mina sent me questions for us to answer and insisted that I ask you them and respond as well. I told her I would. So I guess it's like 20 questions, except she only sent 10. Does that sound fun to you?" I nod, "s-sure!" "Are you feeling okay?" I take a deep breath and look back up at him, "y-yeah I'm fine." He pulls his phone from his pocket and pulls up the questions. "Okay, question 1, what is your favorite color?" I think for a second, "probably red. You?" "Um I guess light blue. Next, favorite flower?" I smile, "a tiger lily. They are so pretty." "I guess that I would have to choose a stargazer lily. They are my mother's favorite." A stargazer lily is nice. And it smells good too. "Okay, next, what is the first feature you notice about a person's appearance? Oh that's good." I thought for a moment. "I guess usually their smile. Everyone's is unique and so meaningful." He nods. "I guess I would actually have to say height. I'm not really tall but I'm not really short, I'm kind of in the middle so I guess height would be my answer." "Seems reasonable." "Okay. Favorite Holiday?" I smiled, "oh definitely Halloween! I love dressing up and pretending to be someone else for an entire day. I went as all-might for a few years, but I have also been a cat, a ghost, even beetlejuice one year." He smiled. "Oh, I'm rambling arent I? Please, what is your favorite holiday?" I twiddled my thumbs. "Oh it's okay. I guess I would have to agree with you though. Halloween is a great holiday and the culture behind it is so fascinating." Dia de Los muertos I believe is what it is called in some places, meaning day of the dead. (Correct me if I spelled it wrong) It was quite fascinating actually learning about it in younger grades. "Oh yeah, it's great!" "Alright, question 5, what is your favorite quote?" What was my favorite quote? I knew many. "How about you go first." "Okay. My favorite quote was told to me by my mother. She said, 'Crying is how your heart speaks whenever your lips can't explain the pain you feel.'" That was sad. I looked at Todoroki, but he was looking down at his lap, smiling a small weak smile. I guess that quote hit home for him, especially since his mother said it. "Please, tell me what is yours?" I cleared my throat, "oh yeah uh oh I got one. It takes one minute to make someone's day, and one word to destroy someone's life." It was quiet for a bit. "It's true ya know. The quote you just said. People are fragile and saying the wrong thing could make their whole world come crashing down all at once." I nodded. "Please, let's do the next question and get out of this depressing atmosphere," I said, smiling and closing my eyes. "Alright. Here we go, what is your zodiac sign?" I still couldn't believe Mina wanted Todoroki to ask me all these questions. "I am a cancer, my birthday is July 15th." He hummed. "Im a Capricorn. My brother likes to say I'm a Caprisun though." I laughed a little. "Well at least yours isn't an illness, I might as well be struck dead right here," I said in between laughs as he laughed a bit with me. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. "Midoriya?" I snapped out of it, "oh uh yeah?" "Are you okay? You stopped laughing and started staring at me." Oh fuck. "Well, it's just, I think that's the first time I've heard you laugh." His mouth form a small "oh" in understandment. "Next on the list?" I ask. "Right. What is your number 1 biggest insecurity? Oh that's lovely isnt it." I couldn't help but smile at his comment. My biggest insecurity? Honestly, I had many. It was hard to choose one. I guess I had to go with the obvious. "Well uh I guess my number 1 insecurity would have to be how I can get shy sometimes and I get flustered easily. I let people toss me around like a toy and I never say anything in fear of the consequences. I mean, sometimes I do things and dont think twice, but sometimes that's also a bad thing. I seem to never be able to just make the right choice and make everyone happy with it. I always end up hurting someone, but if rather it be me who gets hurt than others, so I just accept the things that happen sometimes. I get too shy to even think of doing what I want for a change. Its just-I dont know I'm going on too much I'm sorry." "Hey, dont worry about it. It's okay. You're allowed to say how you feel. Ya know, being shy isnt always bad. In fact, I know a few people who thinks shy guys are cute." I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Oh uh th-thanks Todoroki, I-it means a lot." He smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder for a brief moment. "No problem," he said in a soft tone. I wish he kept his hand there, but he moved it off after a few seconds. "Alright, I told you mine, now I want to hear yours. What is your biggest insecurity?" "My burn scar," he replied, not missing a beat. His face was blank and he had the emotionless face he tended to have. "Oh." I didnt know how to respond. I guess it made sense. He's admitted before that he didnt think he was any use to anybody because of his scar. He didnt say that directly, he implied it. It broke my heart when he talked about himself like that. He rarely did, but when he did it tore me to pieces. I placed a hand on his face, holding my thumb on the middle of the scar. I moved before I let my brain process. Todoroki looked at me, kind of shocked but then smiled a bit, turning a little pink. "You know, the scar doesnt change who you are on the inside. And on the inside, you're wonderful. In fact, on the outside, you're beautiful with or without the scar." I felt a bit of heat rise to his cheeks. My brain finally processed what I was doing and I yanked my hand back and nearly threw myself off the bed, "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY I DIDNT THINK IM SORRY I DID THAT I-" "Thank you," he said in a soft tone. It surprised me a bit. I smiled. "You're welcome..." His phone buzzed and he read the next question. "Oh this is interesting. Do you have a crush on anyone in the class?" He smirked at me and I felt my soul leave my body as the color drained from my face. I was speechless. "Oh, so you do?" I covered my face. "Is it Uraraka?" I shook my head. "How about Asui?" I shook my head again, covering my face even more. "Is it Mina?" I shook my head again, quickly removing my hands from my face and firing back, "why dont you answer the question. Do you like anyone in the class?" He remained with the plain look on his face, "yes." H-he did? "Oh." I managed out. I dont know why but I wasnt expecting that. I mean, him and Yaoyorozu do tend to get along. Maybe? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. He laughed a little, "what, am I not allowed to like people?" I shook my head, "It's not that it just surprised me a bit." He smiled and turned back to the phone. I felt my face turn crimson red as he read off the next question. "What is your sexuality?" "I-uh I-" "Midoriya, are you not straight?" I sighed and closed my eyes tightly. I opened my eyes slowly as I shook my head. He looked a bit surprised. "Oh?" Oh? That's what he had to say about it? Oh? What does that mean! "I-im actually uh I'm Bi." I felt my hands shake slightly as I held them to my knees looking down at them. Uraraka knew, and so did Asui. Iida as well. Oh, and of course, my mother. I cant hide anything from her I dont have to. They all promised that they wouldn't tell anyone. They all thankfully accepted me though, and that was great. I just, couldn't figure out Todoroki's reaction. I couldn't look him in the eye to see it anyway. "Midoriya," he placed a hand on mine, "it's okay." I looked up at him finally and saw he was smiling slightly. "R-really?!" I sounded more surprised than I intended. "Well, I've never really told anyone before, and it may uh be a bit strange but I'm sort of in the community myself." I looked at him, a twinkle in my eyes. "Todoroki, what is your sexuality?" I merely whispered. "I'm gay." I. Was. So. Full. Of. Love. I felt my heart spin in circles as butterflies danced in my stomach. I smiled a big goofy smile at him, causing him to smile back a bit. "Surprised?" I shook my head, "actually, I thought I would be, but I guess I'm not. I never gave much thought into it." He nodded and we stared at each other for a moment before he turned back to his phone for the final question. "Midoriya," my heart flipped, "who was your first kiss?" The color once again drained from my face. "Well uh you see, funny story." His eyed widened, "Have you never had your first kiss." I shook my head in embarrassment. It went quiet. God he probably thinks I'm such a loser now. He probably hates me. "Izuku, I need you to trust me." "I do." He breathed in. "Could you, close your eyes?" I felt my heart racing. I closed my eyes. He placed a hand around each of my arms. I felt his warm breaths just inches from me before, he broke the distance. His lips were on mine. It was only for about 4 seconds, but it felt like a lifetime. His lips were so soft. He pulled away and I opened my eyes, blushing immensely. He was only inches from my face. "I-im sorry-" he began to stutter in a whisper as I put a finger to his mouth and hushed him. "Shhh..." I moved my finger away, looking him in the eyes. God, how I could stare at them forever. Before he could say more, I did as he had. I broke the distance.

Word Count: 3924

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