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Friday 10/04/2020


Aw, 1K reads. Yay! Thanks for reading! I really like reading your comments, and it means a lot that some of you are still reading. 

Seriously, though. Thank you!

What are you currently reading on Wattpad? I've been in a reading slump for weeks...




Thing number 1: I've been reading Why You Shouldn't Lend A Bad Boy Your Clothes and it is literally one of the cutest books I have ever read. It's so cute that I don't even care that 'bad boy' is in the title.

Thing number 2: My mum got some clothes in the post the other day, and for some reason received this bronzer water spray mist thingy that smelt really nice. Anyway, I sprayed some on myself because I'm a complete and utter moron*. Fast forward to this morning and I have a big splodge of tanned skin on my right arm and my right foot. It looks like I rubbed henna onto my skin. I suppose this is the only way I'll ever tan...

*moron means carrot in Welsh so this word always makes me laugh

Thing number 3: IT'S STORYTIME!!!

Okay, so let me take you back to a time when I was a young two or three or something-year-old, and also a big fan of a Welsh animated series called Sali Mali.

Okay, so let me take you back to a time when I was a young two or three or something-year-old, and also a big fan of a Welsh animated series called Sali Mali

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At this time my mum was involved in some sort of project or event, and she hired a giant Sali Mali costume for it. Something a little like this:

Omg guys I'm scarred for life I just looked up 'Sali Mali costume' and one of the first things that popped up was a picture of Sali Mali in a somewhat sexual position with Sam Tân (you may know him as Fireman Sam). My childhood is ruined. 😭😭😭

Anyway, back to the story:

So one day little toddler me came downstairs to see the Sali Mali costume on the floor

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So one day little toddler me came downstairs to see the Sali Mali costume on the floor. And I should've been excited, right? 

Well, wrong, because the Sali Mali didn't have a person inside so it was just collapsed on the ground. I, being such a young human bean, didn't understand that it was a costume. So I thought that SALI MALI WAS DEAD and had a huge mental breakdown and was completely hysterical. I was inconsolable.

But of course, everything was okay in the end. 

I assume.


I don't actually remember this. My brain probably blocked out this traumatic memory...

Did you watch a lot of television when you were little? What kind of things did you watch?


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