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Word count: 983


After weeks of packing, it was the day your father and other British were set to leave. You slipped out of the house and and practically ran to the meeting place. On the way there, you slipped the ring from your right hand to your left. You sat on a bench and waited for Alexander.

And waited.

And waited.

But he didn't show up. You looked down at the small glittering ring. You sighed as you stared at it. Were you stupid to believe that Alexander cared enough to forgive you? You toyed with the ring a bit more. Eventually you knew it was growing late. You had to make a decision. Stay and see if Alexander had any intention of coming back. Or, go and leave with your father. You sighed and stood and trekked back home.

You went with your father to the docks. "Are you alright Y/N?" Your father asked.

"I'm upset about leaving. About...losing." You finally forced out. You didn't care about the war, at all. In fact, it was probably best that the British lost. Otherwise Alexander would be killed. Though, you glanced down at you ring that you returned to your right hand, he had hurt you. Played you the same way you played him. You supposed you deserved it.

"We'll be fine. We'll just go back to living under our king while these people try to fend for themselves. They don't stand a chance." You stayed silent and let your father believe what he wanted. You knew with the right people, these colonies would survive.

You followed after your father as you boarded the boat. You let your eyes scan the dock. To your right you spied Alexander. He was standing beside George Washington. He had a few folders balanced on one of his hands while the other hand drummed anxiously on the top. He was scanning the docks. Then, as if he sensed your gaze, he locked eyes with you.

You knew you were glaring but you didn't care. But he was staring at you with something akin to desperation. He looked torn between running forward to you and standing his post by his boss. But you turned from him and climbed onto the boat. You faltered on the final step up onto the boat but soldiered on. You stood at the back end but kept your back turned to the shore.

You felt your heart sink as the boat started moving. You hung you head to hide your downcast expression. You eventually turned and stared at the receding dock. You noticed a lone figure standing still, staring at the ships. While everyone else was celebrating, this person was standing still merely staring at your ship. The boat had gone out far enough that you couldn't make out any defining features. But you still knew it was Alexander, watching you go.

Alexander stared after the boat helplessly. It wasn't as if he could've run up to you while there were British and Union soldiers around. He did noticed the ring still on your hand though, that was a good sign. Not that it mattered any more. He doubted he'd see you again. He had tried. He tried to go meet you.

5 hours ago:

Alexander hastily scribbled the last line on the document Washington asked him to compose. He was excited. He was ready to go meet you. He never lied when he said he thought he could learn to trust you. In fact, a small part of him already did trust you again. It was the strangest thing ever. He knew that he should never forgive you and yet, he did. And once the war was over, he would have no important secrets left to keep.

"There you are, Sir." Alexander commented and handed George the document. "If you don't mind, I'm going to slip out of a bit. 30 minutes at most." He said and headed to leave.

"Hamilton, wait." Washington commanded. "I need you help here. The treaties are not yet finalized for some of these men. We haven't arranged any sort of alliance with France or Spain. We have a lot of work to do."

"But...Sir, I just a personal matter to attend to. I swear it won't take long." Alexander tried again.

"Unless it's life to death, it can wait." And that was it. Washington kept him busy for hours. But the whole time he thought of you. He found himself wishing he'd lied to Washington, said it was life or death. However, all his friends were soldiers. He couldn't exactly claim any of them were facing death without Washington knowing he was lying.

But he watched the boat go. Everyone around him was celebrating, watching the British leave. He knew you were leaning against the back rail of the boat. You turned to face the shore but you were too far away for Alexander to see you. He wished he could, just so he could see you one last time. However, he knew he would never forget your appearance or personality.

"Alexander?" Hercules asked from behind him. "I thought you'd be the happiest person to watch those ships leave."

"I'm happy the British are gone. But there's one person on that ship that I wished stayed behind."

"Campbell's daughter." Alexander nodded to his friends statement.

"I forgave her Herc. She completely lied to and used me yet, I loved her so much I forgave her." Alexander said in a defeated voice.

"Hard to imagine. You must really care for her."

"And now I'll never see her again."



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