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Word count: 925


You smoothed out your skirt once more. You were going out with Thomas today. So you sat outside the meeting hall, waiting once more. Alexander found his way out before Thomas did, only a few seconds. But Alexander smiled at you and approached. However, Thomas' long legs provided a longer stride to pass Hamilton and get to you first. "Hello Darling." He offered you his arm and you linked yours through his.

"Wait, Jefferson." Alexander said.

"Hamilton, as much as I love being annoyed by you; I have a date tonight." He brushed off Alexander and walked on, and you followed right along.

"So...Hamilton annoys you?" You asked.

"Daily." He answered with a dramatic sigh.

"I know the feeling. Though, it's more like he haunts me." You responded.

"When did you ever run into Hamilton?" He asked.

"He uh..." You didn't figure it wasn't a good idea to mention your past with Hamilton. So you only told part of it. "He burned my house down, or his battalion did. But he was there." You told him. "Though I suppose all is fair in love and war."

"Well, in love one should only be fair. It builds trust." Thomas mused. You almost laughed aloud at his thoughts. Trust was the one thing you and Alexander could never seem to have. Yet, you were both in love. At one time that is.

You and Thomas walked to a nice restaurant. He was gentlemanly but it just wasn't enough for you. You wanted Alexander and this wasn't helping. Like Alexander, Thomas had a way with words. However, it was different. Thomas' words were all the same and always had the threat of slipping into condescending tone. Alexander's words, when directed to you, were always kind and loving. Thomas was being kind but it wasn't the same.

"Y/N!" You looked over as Alexander came running toward your table.

"Alexander?" You asked as he slowed to a stop at your table.

"Oh, seriously?" Thomas sighed. "Hamilton, I'm trying to enjoy an evening with a lovely women-"

"Jefferson, shut up." Alexander snapped. "The 'lovely women' you're enjoying an evening with is someone I cared deeply about, I still do care deeply. So I need you to shut your mouth and let me say what I came here to say."

Thomas looked at you questioningly. You let out a small sigh. "Maybe we should end this evening early." You suggested and stood from the table. "Thank you Thomas." You said politely and left the restaurant with Alexander trailing after you. You started walking home with Alexander escorting you. "What did you need to say?" You asked him.

"I needed to talk to you. I uh...I, for once, don't have anything planned or know what I'm going to say." Alexander fumbled. You glanced over at him, his whole persona was exuding nervousness. "Y/N, we've had a hell of a path to get where we are. We fell hard a fast, you can try to lie to me and yourself but I know you felt something when we were originally together. Then, you were spying and lying. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hate you. Hell, I still loved you. Then of course, you agreed to marry me. I was ecstatic. Then I couldn't get to you and damn, it hurt watching you go." His voice fell to a whisper. "I thought I'd never see you again." He took a deep breath and continued on at normal volume. "At Lafayette's urging I met Eliza and started courting her. I thought we wouldn't have a chance to be together. Me and Eliza have been counting for nearly a year and half and I still haven't purposed. It doesn't feel right because it's not you. I love you. Still."

You had reached your door sometime ago but Alexander kept talking. He was rambling due to his nerves. While you were moved by his words and everything he was saying there was something else. He was nervous and fumbling and fidgety. It all added up to one thing. Alexander was cute. Always cute. "Alexander." He paused his word vomiting to look at you. "You're right, about everything you said. I still love you too. Thomas was a pathetic attempt to get over you."

Alexander kissed you. And like the first time, you grabbed onto his coat and didn't want to let go. Alexander pulled back long before you wanted him to. "I broke things off with Eliza." He told you. "We could start slow by courting again." He suggested.

"Alexander, I know we're good together. I know I love you. I don't think we need to court each other again."

"Well then." He stepped back from you. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. That same ring. He dropped down to one knee. "Be my wife?" He asked again.

You smiled at him. "You really are crazy." You commented. Hie wide smile, one you were guessing was reserved just for you. It made him look younger. "But maybe I am too. Absolutely. Absolutely yes, Alexander." He jumped up and pulled you into another searing kiss. He pulled back and slid the ring onto your left ring finger and it stayed there. Maybe the two of you could finally be together and finally be satisfied, though satisfied was probably an understatement. It certainly wasn't a fairy tale getting here But the two of you had a shot at happily ever after, and you weren't about to throw it away.



The final part! I may get another one up but I'm not sure.  Hopefully I'll be able to write something but I'm not sure. Afterwards, I should have a lot more time. 

Bye! ;)

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