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Zayn died of cancer on December 24th, 2013, leaving Luke even though he promised him that he would never leave him.

Luke was devastated and sought out a plan to kill himself on the day Zayn died. Luke's friends had a party in hopes of cheering Luke up - but to no avail.

He has schizophrenia and Zayn was the only one who stood up for him and made him feel special and not like a freak.

That's why the scene of him talking to himself in the beginning is there, when you have schizophrenia you can't tell the difference between reality and imagination, and Luke sees Zayn when either he's awake or asleep.

The Zayn that Luke imagined told him to calm down that it'll be okay and to meet him at the bench were they first met.

When he got there he cried, and was exhausted due the long walk and all the crying, so that made him sleep.

In his dream he sees his life with Zayn all play out, the imagination Zayn told Luke that even though he promised him a forever and died, the time they shared was their own little forever, their own little infinity.

Soon it was time for Luke to wake up, imaginary Zayn told Luke to promise not to kill himself. Luke promised not to.

Ashton knew Luke would of come down to the bench, Asthon woke him up. When Luke woke up, Ashton took Luke home so he could sleep, but what he didn't know was that Luke overdosed on pills before he laid down on his bed.

He thought Zayn broke a promise so he broke his, but at the end everything was alright, at the end of it all they ended up together - but this time it would be forever.

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