Yona Kikuchi

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(First, Last)

Quirk; Music Sense

Able to sense Rhythm and Beat without hearing. They can see the patterns and sounds in the air instead of hearing them.

Yona works at a dance studio and gets hired out for music videos/performances.
Unlike their Hip-hop style of dance, they're a gentle and relaxed person. When they teach, it's very gentle and very keen to each individual.

Yona is 26 years old, and went deaf after an infection their ears destroyed their ear drums. They've tried a few different types of hearing aids but they don't help them hear more then loud talking. They're currently saving up to try another one that connects more to their brain.

They can speak, but not very well or clearly. Yona carries around a white board to communicate to people when they don't know sign.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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