Ch.2 Welcome to Alpha High

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Chapter 2

Anjela ate her dinner in silence. She didn't know what to think of her new home, especially with her new room being almost the size of the master bedroom. Once the family was finally done settling in with what little they had, her mother made a phone call to the moving company, and later she appeared again with a frustrated expression.

"Well, looks like we won't get our stuff today." she flustered, "The moving truck broke down before even leaving the parking lot."

Her father shook his head. "I knew that price was too good to be true." he muttered, taking a bite of his pizza slice.

"So, when will our stuff get here?" Alex asked.

"Hopefully tomorrow." she said, "That's what they said at least."

Anjela sighed. She knew sleeping on the floor wasn't going to be one bit comfortable. She had slept the past three nights without a bed and her body felt sore just from thinking about it. At least she had her sleeping bag.

When she was done eating the takeout, she headed upstairs to get in pajamas. She closed the door to reveal a picture of a wolf on it. It was the color of snow, and its eyes were beaming red. There were three darts sticking to the picture; one had missed the pretty animal, but two were stuck on the chest.

I wonder why the last person in here hated wolves? she thought curiously as she tore the picture off, collecting the darts in her hand.

Anjela shrugged before throwing them in the purple bin she unpacked. She then turned her attention to the suitcase laying on the small window seat, setting her thoughts aside.

Once she had slipped on an old blue tank top along with sweatpants, she pulled out the blue sleeping bag she used for the last three nights. She then set her alarm clock for tomorrow, and finally turned off the light, trying to get cozy.


A loud constant beeping caused Anjela to pull the sleeping bag over her head, trying her best to ignore the annoying alarm clock beside her head.

She didn't like getting up early on any morning, but today she had a hunch that they were going to be forced to help unload the moving truck today since it didn't arrive last night. If it had, they would probably have been up all night just to unload everything. 

 But the clock quickly proved to be too much though as she stuck out her hand to smack the snooze button. And to her satisfaction it stopped. 

Five more minutes......

But before she could fall asleep again she heard a knock on the door, which made her groan. It opened and her brother's head popped in, his hair wet from a shower. Cocoa sped in and tried to lick her face, and she quickly retreated in her sleeping bag once more.

"Stop Cocoa!" she hissed, "I'm trying to sleep."

"We're going to be late for school." Alex pointed out.


"What? I thought we were going to school tomorrow." Anjela protested, sitting up.

Her mother mentioned earlier on the way that they would be going to school as soon as they got there, but she didn't know that it would literally be the next day. 

"Well, it's not my fault you misunderstood what Mom said, so I'd suggest you get ready. Otherwise Mom will be mad that you didn't get up." he replied, leaving the room.

Once she gained the will, she stood up and rummaged through her suitcase until she found her favorite blue tunic top along with a pair of jeggings, and she smiled with relief. Most of the clothing in the suitcase were just old t-shirts  for when she'll help move furniture. But at least she would have something decent to wear the first day.

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