The Punishment

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Link felt the paddle stiffen against his bare butt. Rhett was about to give him his punishment. He tried to not let on that he was excited about it. He secretly loved to be spanked. Suddenly, Rhett wacked him with the paddle. He felt it hard against his bare skin. "Ow!" Link yelled, his eyes watering. He loved to feel dominated by the taller man. It made his knees go weak. Link's bottom begged for another wack. Rhett swung and struck Link's bum again with the paddle. Link couldn't help but moan a little. Link knew that his bottom (and face) were probably both bright cherry red at this point. He could feel the heat in his rear. Link felt butterflies rise in his stomach, ready for the next paddling. He knew this one would be even harder. He braced his elbows on the desk, ready-a-fying himself. Here it came. "Wham!" Went the paddle. When it struck, Link saw white. He went into a realm of both pain and ecstasy. It felt orgasmically good. "Rhett." Link could feel himself mumble. Link went unconscious.

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