New Things, Eight Rings.

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Here I sat, in yet another North Islands adoption home. I've been bounced around since my family was killed when I was eight.

Now 16, I sat in my childlike teen angst, letting tears leak down my face. I was angry at...

Well... I couldnt even pinpoint my anger anymore.

Someone suddenly knocked on my room door. The abrupt yet soft taps startled me out of my stupor. It was Wendy. She was the receptionist, and we had become extremely close over the 3 years I had been at the facility.

"Hey, Wen!" I said, wiping as many tears as I could. The koopa gazed at me in sheer sympathy. She knew of the problems concerning my mental health. I was one of the only humans here.

"What's up?" I asked changing the subject quickly. I wasnt expecting in a million years what came out of her mouth.

"You got someone!" she smiled brightly. My face lit up instantly.

"No way!"

"Yes way!" She laughed, motioning me out into the hallway. "He looks loaded," She said in a sing-song voice as I passed, smirking. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. As Wendy guided me out of the dormitory and into the lobby, I saw a single koopa standing there. Why was he so familiar?

My eyes grazed over the expensive looking bracelets and watches stacked on his wrists, and his red t-shirt with an expensive brand logo on it, matched with his neat pants and shoes. Wendy was so right about this guy. His eyes met mine, but I was too clouded with excitement to see his extended claw, and wrapped my thin arms around him. He was extremely large in stature, and his green shell laced with spikes practically glowed in the daylight from the windows and doors surrounding the lobby.

He chuckled and returned the hug. I could hear Wendy laughing fondly behind us. Pulling away, I asked him.

"Do you really wanna adopt me? I asked, beaming with excitement. I was practically jumping up and down. No, it wasnt practical. I really was jumping up and down.

"We'll see, won't we?" He said. I noticed voice was extremely deep. It matched perfectly with his muscular figure.

Wendy told me to go pack my things while she gave him my files and sorted out paperwork.

I ran all the way to the dorms and darted through the door that lead to the cramped room. I didnt have much in terms of belongings. But 3 outfits, two from Rick. He was my best friend. Sifting through them them made me smile. I frowned, realising I was leaving him. I shook those thoughts away and continued to pack my charger, stuffing my phone and shorted earbuds in my pocket. I frowned again, knowing I dont have much and hating it. I only had one pair of shoes, the high top black converse I wore on my feet.

The phone I had? A cracked iPhone 4. Old sure, but I cherished it since Rick was the one who gave it to me. No one here could judge, anyways.

But people outside these walls could.

All my belongins fit in one bookbag. I never needed anything bigger like a suitcase, or a duffel. The same black bookbag was all I needed. Before leaving, I slipped on Ricks tan hoodie which was like 3 sizes too big.

I took one last room at the now empty room before me. I inhaled sharply before grabbing the key off the nightstand and locking the door, smiling softly. Im gonna miss it, pbfft, not much, but I have a feeling i'll be over it pretty quickly. Walking down the hallway quietly, I spotted Rick sitting crisscross in the hallway, tears streaming down his face. This alarmed me. It was a major red flag.

"Rick, what's wrong?" He caught sight of my book bag and began to sob. Rick was my inseprable best friend. He was a large Koopa. A brute, if you will. He picked fights with anyone I'd have trouble with. Him crying was extremely unusual. He never cried unless he was seriously hurt, or seriously angry. I kneeled down in-front of him, and he launched into my arms, pulling me into his chest. His yellow t-shirt was wet on the upper half, and it smelled of sweat and tears. Just how much had he been crying?

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