Winston (4)

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House of the Rising Sun-
Oh mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Don't spend your life in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun

I got one foot on the platform
And another on the train
And I'm goin' back to New Orleans
To wear that ball and chain

It's been a week since I was released from the rehab center. Autumn hasn't left my side. I guess she was more worried that I was going to disappear on her again. She's been staying over and helping me try to get into a somewhat normal routine. It was hard. But when she went to work I was always in my room, blasting my music.

I had my music blasting on the speaker while I was in my room reading when James came upstairs. Turning my music down I looked up at him. "What's going on?" I asked. He smiled and took my book from my hands. "There's a surprise downstairs." He told me then left. That was weird even for James. But I guess that was my brother for you. I sighed and went downstairs. "James if this is some weird-" I stopped what I was saying. David, Rose, Sophie and Cris were standing in front of me. "Hey I thought you were dead." David said smiling, "I'm glad that your not dead Win." I ran over and hugged them. "It's good to see you guys!" I happily said. We all went outside and I wandered off towards the woods. It felt just like old times. "Win where are you going?" Sophie asked. I shrugged. "I don't know!" I called back, "I'm just exploring."

I went into the woods and looked around. I haven't been in the woods in a while. I was happily running around. It felt good to be home. Eventually we headed back to the house. I ate some leftover chocolate pudding. "I'm surprised that Lord Nutter Butter didn't come here and steal the pudding." I said. David laughed.

"You still call him Lord Nutter Butter?" He asked, laughing a little. I nodded. "Yeah it's that or call him by his girly middle name." I looked around. I finally noticed that Leo wasn't here. "Hey where is Lord Nutter Butter?" I asked. Cris answered first, "Probably on Asgard with Naomi and the twins." I nodded. He's back on Asgard. "Cool." I said, "So how's everyone doing?"

"Dean and I are getting married." Cris said. I hugged her. "That's great! I'm happy for you." I told her. Rose spoke up. "Sophie and I are graduating soon." That was great! "Bet you two are happy about that." Sophie nodded. "Yeah no more complicated math that hurts my brain." I chuckled. I understood how she felt.

I turned to look at David. "Huh?" He said, "Oh, well I've been exploring space. Looking for Dad." I nodded. "Still haven't found him?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not yet." David told me, "But..."
"You'll find him." I told him. He just nodded. I felt bad for David. Peter just abandoned his only kid. I don't understand how someone could do that to their own kid. But I then remember who Leo's father was too.

A few hours later

"So where were you?" Sophie asked, "We haven't heard from you in eight months." We were all sitting outside, stargazing. It felt like it did when we were kids. David spoke up, "This feels like the old days when we were kids." We were just missing Leonard and Naomi. I thought. "Win," Rose said, "where did you go?"

"Rehab." I told him. Then I went back to looking at the stars. "Rehab?" They said unison. I nodded. "Yeah I went to a Mental Health Rehabilitation Center. Kinda helped." It honestly did kinda help. Although, I'd have preferred not to be on a bunch on medication. David shook his head. " long as it helped, then okay. That's what matters. Winston getting better."

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