How they meet

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Light (five years old)

Persephone was looking around for her little goddess when she see a piece of blue and pink hair sticking out from underneath the bed

"Hmmm I wonder were my little goddess went" said playfully Persephone as she heard giggling

"You know what I'm tired I'll just have to sit on this nice comfortable bed I hope I don't crush someone under it" she said as she see the five year old get out of the bed that's when she grabbed her

"Gotcha" Persephone tickle light making her laugh

"Mommy do I have to go to school" light ask

"Of course princess you have to"

"But no one will know me"

"That's why when you enter you'll make new friends" light nodded as her mother got her ready


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Once they got ready Persephone and Light walked to Auradon once their they walked into a class room

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Once they got ready Persephone and Light walked to Auradon once their they walked into a class room

"Hello Persephone hi little one welcome" said the Fairy Godmother with joy light hid behind her mother

"She's a little shy" light nodded to agree with her mother

"It's okay little one you can go play with the other kids over there" she said pointing at the area where all the other children were playing together Light look up for permission of her mom which she smiled and kissed her head light took off and started to play with a teddy bear as she sat down by herself three kids come towards her

"Hi I'm Audrey this is Ben and he's Chad" she said as the two boys waved at her ligth stood up

"Hi I'm Light" she said happily as the four started playing together Light was happy she made new friends

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