Two stories become one

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I was looking for the girl with purple hair Mal the one that took my daddy away from my mommy as I was a small ball of light looking around I saw her with the girl with blue hair one and the boy with doggy hair I landed away from them 'how am I gonna get her alone' then an idea pop up in my head

"Ahh I got it mommy don't worry daddy will be ours soon" I said happily I turned back in my old self and ran up to purple hair grab her by the hand she turned

"Oh Angel your mom looking for you"

"Can you come with me I want apologize to daddy please" she nods

"Okay come on guys" my eyes widened

"No... I just want you please I feel safer with you only you" she sighed softly

"Okay guys go tell Light I'm with Angel and Ben okay" she told the two and they were gonna as we walked I stopped I knew she got confused

"Come on Angel let's go" then I transformed into the dark version of me with crown and all her eyes widened

"Angel what are you doing with those"

"Night night purple" I blew sleepy dust at her it took a few seconds before she was out then we Disappear together before anyone saw us


"Oh where can this girl be" I asked myself before I see Evie and Carlos along with Jay come up to me

"Oh hi"

"Light we found Angel" I gasps in excitement

"Where is she is, is she is safe" I asked

"Of course she asked Mal to take her to Ben so she can apologize"

"Oh well let's go see oh my baby safe" we all ran to Ben office once their we walked in and see Ben sitting their looking at some work

"Um Ben" he lifts his head up and he stands up immediately

"Light what do you need anything" I look around with the core but their no sign of Mal or Angel I turned to them

"Is this some kind of joke"

"What's going on" Ben asked

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