Chapter 2

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Lexa hadn't said much as she walked Clarke to dinner. Clarke was curious about why she was so quiet, she had the leadership position and she didn't come off as shy. She came off kind of cold actually, she hadn't asked Clarke any questions about herself or anything.

Clarke shrugged it off as they entered the dining hall. Lexa led her through the line where she was served dinner. It was mashed potatoes, chicken, and green beans. It actually looked a lot better than Clarke had expected. Lexa led her to a table with ten seats.

"Clarke!" Wells quickly hopped out of one of those chairs to give her a hug nearly knocking her tray of food to the floor.

"Wells, I didn't know you were in my unit." Clarke hugged him back with a smile.

"Yeah, I told dad to keep it a surprise." Wells stepped back with a huge grin on his face.

"I'm definitely surprised." Clarke grinned back.

"Have a seat, I saved you one next to me." Wells gestured to the only empty spot left at the table.

Clarke sat down between Wells and a girl with curly red hair who she was quickly introduced to. Her name was Luna, she was the girl from the photos in the bed across from Clarke's. They went around the table and she was introduced to Raven who she assumed had the car obsession, Octavia, who she recognized from the pictures from the bed next to hers, Jasper and Monty who were clearly best friends, Finn, and Bellamy, the male lead who happened to be Octavia's older brother.

Throughout dinner Clarke was showered with questions about where she was from, what she liked to do, if she was excited to be there, and basically anything they could think of. She noticed Lexa was pretty quiet throughout the dinner, not really saying much to anybody. Maybe she was just quiet, Clarke thought.

After dinner they were all heading back to the dormitory. "Clarke do you want to go to the game room to play some pool? We need another player." Raven offered.

Clarke nodded, "yeah sounds like fun."

Raven offered her a high five, "Oh yeah! You boys are going down!" she exclaimed looking at Jasper and Monty.

"We will have to see about that." Jasper replied with a grin.

The game of pool against Jasper and Monty was pretty even, but that was more thanks to Raven, she was unusually good at the game, making up for Clarke's lack of experience and pairing well against Jasper and Monty's moderate skills.

"Eight ball, right corner pocket." Raven called out before hitting the cue ball and sinking the eight ball in her mark. As soon as the ball went in Raven started jumping around and cheering, "Oh yup!! That's how it's done boys!" she turned and gave Clarke a double high five.

Clarke liked Raven, she was very fun to be around, she had a very energetic attitude.

"Would you like a rematch against some real competition?" Octavia walked over to the pool table with a smirk.

Raven grinned at her, "Oh yeah? Who're you playing with?"

"That would be me." Luna walked over to stand beside Octavia. "Unless you are too nervous to ruin your record."

Raven's smile shifted a little bit and her energy seemed to calm down as soon as Luna walked over. Clarke watched her curiously.

"I'm not scared." Raven blurted out. "Let's do this. Clarke you ready for another game?"

"Totally." Clarke replied.

"You can break." Luna handed Raven a pool stick.

Raven shot the cue ball into the mass of neatly placed balls and sunk two stripes and a solid right off the bat. Unfortunately, the cue ball also went in.

"Scratch, I'll go next." Octavia grabbed the second pool stick and sunk two solids giving them the lead.

Raven handed Clarke the pool stick and the game continued. Clarke felt like she was starting to get the hang of it, starting to actually hit balls in.

"So, how is Lexa as a lead?" Clarke asked after checking the room to make sure she wasn't there.

"Strict!" Raven immediately commented.

"That is because you are always getting yourself into trouble, Raven." Luna commented. "Lexa is fair, she is very smart and talented. She is a good lead."

"Yeah, she's pretty good, just don't expect her to be your friend, she's very committed to her studies and the position, she can be friendly, but she isn't looking for friends." Octavia added.

"She said that?" Clarke asked curiously.

"Not in so many words, but she doesn't really try to be social with us unless she can tell we need it." Octavia commented shooting another ball right into the pocket.

"Just stay on her good side, her bad side isn't so fun." Raven poked Octavia with her stick messing up her shot. They instantly started bickering about whether that was considered cheating or not.

"Let the shot go, Octavia. They have two balls left and we have one before the eight ball. We can still win." Luna interrupted their bickering calmly. She had a very calming presence, it was nice.

Octavia smirked at Raven and stepped back from the table. Raven looked like she was almost pouting as she stepped away from the table. It was Clarke's turn next. She stepped up to the table nervously. She could feel Raven's eyes on her back as she lined up her shot. The ball went in, but she could tell that there was no way she was going to get the second ball from that angle. The best she could try to do was to make Luna's next shot hard so she shot the ball into a position that would make missing the eight ball when hitting the last solid ball hard.

Luna stepped up to the table studying it for a moment before hitting the cue ball around the eight ball and sinking the last solid. "Eight ball right center pocket." She called it. She hit the cue ball and the eight ball sunk into the designated pocket.

"Hahaha oh yes! That's how to do it!" Octavia cheered in Raven's face. Raven looked slightly irritated.

"Way to rub it in." Raven commented.

Octavia laughed. "As if you aren't just as bad. You know you would've done a whole victory lap if you won that game."

Raven shoved Octavia but immediately smiled and started laughing as they threw a couple of fake punches at each other.

"Good game, Clarke." Luna offered her hand.

Clarke smiled and shook it. "Thank you, I'm not very good."

"You aren't as bad as you think you are. You'll have plenty of time to practice. It's good for Raven's team to get beat every once in a while, it keeps her ego in check." Luna smiled as she watched Raven and Octavia's fake fight. She stepped forward and offered her hand to Raven. "Good game Raven."

Raven immediately stopped her fake fight with Octavia leading her to get an accidental real punch.

"Sorry." Octavia instantly moved out of the zone where Raven could get her back.

"Good game Luna." Raven shook her hand a slight blush coming to her cheeks. Luna didn't seem to notice because she released Raven's hand and started cleaning up the pool table.

"Five minute warning guys, don't be late." Bellamy said to the group of girls on his way towards the door.

"Bell, wait up!" Octavia ran after her brother before leaving with him.

Clarke helped Luna and Raven put the rest of the pool stuff away before heading upstairs with them.

When they got to their unit Lexa was sitting at the table with her book open before her. She looked up to see who was coming in and nodded at them.

It was only nine o'clock, but Clarke was exhausted. She got ready for bed and instantly passed out when her head hit the pillow.

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