Chapter 5

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"Lexa, could I ask you a question?" Raven walked up to Lexa who was on the couch reading a book.

"Sure Raven." Lexa looked up expectantly.

"How would you like to go on a full-unit ski trip. It would be so fun and if we go as a group I'm sure we could get better prices, and did I mention it will be fun?" Raven asked her voice hopeful despite the fact that everyone knew she was about to get shot down.

"Reyes, you know I don't snowboard and don't want to. Drop it!" Lexa raised her voice slightly at the end and sounded genuinely angry. Raven looked over at Luna looking frustrated and Luna just shrugged a slight grin on her face at Raven's frustration.

Clarke noticed Lexa leave the unit a little while later. After Raven saw her leave she sat forward looking frustrated. "She didn't have to be so mean about it." She complained.

"You know it didn't go well the last time and she isn't one to change her mind." Luna pointed out.

"You set me up. You want me to fail." Raven accused Luna.

"Correct and correct." Luna admitted with a smile she pulled a disgruntled Raven into a hug. Raven loosened up and even had a small smile on her face when Luna released her. Clarke looked at her curiously, she could tell there was something going on there. Raven was always so much more calm with Luna around which was important because Raven was borderline ADHD and brilliant running around with way too much energy to handle. She could tell Raven seemed to like Luna, but she couldn't tell if Luna felt the same way. As far as she could tell so far nothing was actually going on.

It was actually kind of confusing because Raven was always talking to Wick at lunch. Raven was almost always unpredictable and Clarke was learning to just sit back and watch the girl's crazy antics. Octavia joined along a lot of the time, but she was nowhere near the same energy as Raven.

Clarke left the unit after dinner to make a phone call. Her parents had scheduled a facetime call with her tonight after the last few had gotten cancelled Clarke was mainly worried that they wouldn't be able to show up again. She missed them so much and even though seeing them through the screen wasn't the same as seeing them in person she really needed to see them soon.

Her phone rang and she looked down eagerly to see that it was her mother. She hit accept call and immediately the picture was very distorted. She could see her parents every few seconds when the screen clarified. She couldn't hear a word they were saying, they sounded like robots because of a bad connection probably on their end.

"Can you hear me?" Clarke asked. "I miss you guys." She added hoping her audio might be getting through. Then the call dropped and her parents were gone. It was almost worse than not getting a call at all. They had been there, the connection had just been too bad.

Clarke sat down in the grass upset and disappointed. She laid back and looked up at the sky finding the constellations her father had taught her. She found the big dipper first, then the little dipper.

"Are you okay Clarke?" she heard a familiar voice say. She glanced behind her and saw Lexa standing there looking a little concerned.

"I'm fine, just looking at the constellations." Clarke replied.

"You don't sound fine." Lexa stated.

"My parents tried to call but the connection failed so we didn't get to say anything. I'm just disappointed." Clarke admitted.

"I understand, I remember what it was like to have my parents deployed." Lexa sympathized.

Clarke looked up in surprise. She had assumed Lexa was from a military family because she was so disciplined but she had never said anything about her family before. "How long have they been home?" Clarke asked.

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