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Never had something like this happen before... welp... new experiences are fun? Right?

 new experiences are fun? Right?

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1. Degal_Heartfang

2. August 4th

3. ..... ALL OF THEM

4. Hmmmm, probably would say rock, but I like a mix so don't hold that to me.

5. 5' 7" but maybe taller, not sure, haven't checked my height in a while so...educated guess.

6. ..... not a dream but I have had some pretty messed up nightmares. One I remember most lividly, but I don't think I'll go into great detail. Basically a "hospital" took people in after diagnosing them with a bad disease I think I got Aids or something maybe even stage 4 cancer, and they had me cooped up with three other people who basically had the fear of death itself in their eyes telling me get out, get out as fast as I could before IT happens. What this hospital was it was a testing group who stole people and basically altered their DNA and well...... they tortured people. Yeah....fun dream right?

7. .... why must I choose? I have preferred genres dose that count? If so action/adventure/fighting stuff is where it's at for me, but I also like a good laugh :)

8. Can I have like a three way tie? Because I like MHA, the Sherif, and Swat, but then again pretty much every other anime I have watched I could fit up here too....soo...

9. I think most of mine probably are...

10. Mint and chocolate! That stuff together always makes my day.

11. .....I like a lot of music so I guess I'll share my top ones? The Fear, Born for This, Superheroes, Beliver, Paradise, Renegades, Unstoppable, Dead Man Walking, and Burn the Ships

12. I don't remember 95% of the movies I watched after about a month except in a few cases. But even then I can't always remember the title. But I have definitely enjoyed the how to train your dragon series. Have a few complaints mainly on a certain part, anyone who watched the 2nd film knows what I am talking about. Also Pirates of the Caribbean!!!!

13. Playing video games, reading, listening to music, and drawing

14. Leo

15. "I have a jar of dirt, I have a jar of dirt and guess what's inside it!" "Honey where is my super suit!?" "I am surrounded by idiots"

16. Crunch

17. Anywhere with books is my happy place.

18. Are you asking me to choose between my children?

19. Captain Jack Sparrow

20. It is a solid tie between a bunch of characters the would be hard to list them all.

Sorrry to whoever falls victim to me


Yeah I'm going to stop at eight before I die from anxiety. Again sorry I just tagged randomly or people who I thought wouldn't mind too badly.

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