Part 3

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"I should be picked up in about fifteen minutes, I've had a bunch of fun, so thank you." She'll be gone soon.

"No problem, it was really fun hanging out with you." I felt so happy. Please stay.

"Your house is really nice and quiet." Make it less quiet by talking to me.

"I guess. What would you like to do before you go?" Don't go. Stay and find something to do to me.

"I know! Let's listen to music. You said you do that at lunch sometimes." You've been listening to me.

"That would be really fun!" You've listened to what I've said.

She put on a playlist of anime intros, and began singing the words, moving to the rhythm of the songs, pulling me in, forcing fantasies into my head, urges I was trying so hard to control. Then she took hold of my hands and began turning with me. They were so warm and held me so tight. She smiles so genuinely. I pulled her closer, just slightly, my heart was racing so fast and I wanted her hands to hold he forever. We spun and spun and my feet began falling behind and hers were racing ahead and we fell, hand in hand. There was a moment of silence and then a burst of laughter. Her face lit up even brighter than before and showered me in warmth. She stayed there laughing completely unaware of the feelings flowing though me with her leg between my open legs and her face so close to mine. Her hands were still holding mine as my arms bent to be above my head. She could so easily control me, do anything she wanted. I felt such a strong urge to pull my arms and force her to collapse fully onto me. I wanted to kiss her and feel her body pressed onto mine, feel her move gently on me, feel her chest press into mine. I wanted her to realise what she has doing and make me moan into her ear just by looking at me with meaning. I need to stop myself.

She laughs more and I hold myself back until she sits up and lets go of my hands. She helps me up to sit and we hear her phone ring. She's leaving. I didn't want her to leave but how could I say that? How would I tell her?

"I'm excited to hang out again soon." Does she mean that?

"Me too. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Next time stay forever.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." I'll be staring at her like usual.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She's gone.

I get ready for the night and crawl into my bed. At least she didn't come in here. I wouldn't be able to sleep. Maybe I still can't.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Gahhhh if you made it this far thank you very much :) I don't really have anything to say about this part :pp)

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