Chapter 1 - A Star

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"No! Please!" The woman screamed, tears pouring from her frightened eyes.

The masked man stalked closer, a grin spreading across his face as he watched her scramble backwards. A dagger was clutched in his right hand, it's silver blade glinting menacingly in the darkened alley.

The woman glanced at the dagger, eyes widening impossibly so. Her voice shook as she stammered, "N-no. Please. I d-dont want to d-die. I w-want to be a s-star. I-i haven't achieved m-my dream yet. You c-cant kill me."

She trembled pitifully as the man finally stood in front of her. He clicked his tongue slightly, eyes narrowing in judgment. "Oh, come now." He murmured, tapping her on the forehead.

"Don't be so pitiful. It's not every day that you get to meet a murderer as charming as I, after all." He chuckled to himself, squatting down to get a better look at the cowering lady before him. Grabbing her face is his gloved hand, he tilted her head from side to side as to better see her face.

He sighed, staring at her average features. "Honestly, you aren't very memorable." He murmured, grabbing her mousy brown locks in his white glove. Her skin was fair, he had to admit, but it was far too caked in foundation to be sure. She wanted to be a star, eh?

"But- I'll tell you what." He whispered, allowing her hair to fall through his fingers. "I will make you famous once I'm through with you." Her eyes glittered with hesitant hope, fading into horror as the dagger slammed down, slicing off her index finger. Her delightful screams rang throughout the alley, filling his ears.

His hand clapped to her mouth, muffling her cries. "Shhhh.... I can't have you ruining my fun now, can I?" He inquired, tilting his head at the woman. She quickly shook her head, tears streaming down her painted face.

The man became lost in his work, watching her every reaction as he chopped off all of her fingers. He snapped his head up as her twitching hand began to still, his dark eyes shooting to her face. He scowled as he watched her eyes dim and as her life drained away. "Don't you dare fucking die yet." He hissed, slapping her face in a futile attempt to bring her back.

Standing up, he kicked her lifeless body, rage encapsulating his mind. "YOU BITCH! HOW DARE YOU DIE BEFORE I'M DONE PLAYING WITH YOU?"  He yelled angrily, pulling a longer knife out of his grey hoodie pocket.

He lowered back down, straddling her hips as he glare down at her motionless face. Raising his hand above his head, he slammed the knife into her chest. He continue to curse her as he stabbed her over and over, blood splattering over the both of them.

Once he came down from his anger, he sat, motionless on his maimed victim. He felt strangely hallow as he remained there for many long moments. Huffing, he pushed himself off of the woman's mutilated chest, which now sported a gaping hole.

He turned away from the body, silently listening. In the distance, police sirens sounded, seemingly coming closer. He glanced back to the woman for a moment, chuckling quietly.

"It seems your cries were heard after all. Enjoy your fame while it lasts, dearie." He grinned, stalling for a moment longer before leaving the alley, moonlight framing the woman's broken body.




A rather tall lady squealed loudly as she rushed to her large kitchen. It was just about the only room in her cozy apartment that was very well taken care of. It was also the room that she practically lived in.

Snatching an oven mitt from the marble countertop, Penelope pulled the oven door open, heat blasting her in the face. She smiled happily as the sweet scent of sugar cookies washed over her person, and she carefully lifted the cookie sheet out of the furnace.

Setting the sheet on top of her electric stove, she crouched down, watching the slightly browned cookies with caramel eyes dancing with excitement. Pulling out her phone, she glanced at the time.

1:57 a.m.

She released an unholy wheeze as she ran her fingers through her golden hair. It would appear that she had lost track of the time while baking, again. Standing up, she took off her pink patterned apron and hung it on the pantry door. She made her way to her room before pulling her pajamas out of her dresser.

Her pajamas were rather simple, merely being black shorts and a grey tank top. But, they were comfortable during Florida's blistering hot summer, so she couldn't complain. She changed out of her clothes quickly before pulling on her pajamas.

Exiting her room, she entered her brilliant kitchen once more, the scent of baked goods wafting in her direction. She picked one off of the cookie sheet cheerfully, silently greatful that it didn't stick to the pan.

She nibbled on the edge thoughtfully before shutting her eyes, content. She finished the cookie quickly, and pulled the royal blue icing out of her fridge. She had made it earlier, resisting the urge to eat it before she even got the chance to make the cookies.

Pulling out a clear piping bag, she swiftly and skillfully filled it with the icing. She grinned as she decorated the cookies, even throwing sprinkles on a few of them. Once she had finished dressing the sugary treats, she set the piping bag down, looking down at the many cookies she had baked. "There is no way I'm going to be able to eat all of these." She realized, staring down at the rows of cookies.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind, and she opened a large cabinet before pulling out a tupperware container. She piled a majority of the cookies into it, careful as to not ruin them, and put the container in the fridge. She would just bring them to work or something.

Penelope twirled back to her cookies, her long blonde hair flowing behind her figure, and scooped the remaining treats in to her clutches. She popped one in to her mouth before sinking down into her leathery couch. She sat there in silence for a while before frowning, becoming increasingly uncomfortable in the quiet room.

She stood up and turned the TV on, changing the channel until she found something interesting. She didn't pay much attention to it, but Penelope was still happy with the background noise. Sitting back on the couch, she snuggled with the blanket that had been left on the couch for nights like these.

After she finished eating her cookies, she felt her eyelids grow heavy, and sleep embraced her in its loving arms


1139 words
Hiya! It's me, the author of this story. I hope you enjoyed the first part of Sweet Tooth, and that you'll come back for the next part. Constructive criticism is welcome, but try not to sound rude, please.
Estimated Update: Sometime this week, hopefully.

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