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recap: your parents told you that you have to move cities and you are moving today

end of recap

??: wake up its time to go

??: Destiny!!

des: yeah( in a sleepy voice)

des mom: wake up and get ready if you want to say bye to them

In that you woke up and got ready and ate breakfast and there was a knock at the door you open it and saw

jabez and sam with a teddy bear and some of your fav candy 

sam: i going to miss you bestirred

des: me too

jabez: me too

 you guys hug each other than you heard your mom that is was time too go . Then you guys hug again and started to cry.

des: jay are you crying

jabez: yeah I'm going to miss you 

des: well make a group chat and we can keep in touch

des mom: lets go were going to be late for are flight 

des: bye guys 

sam & jabez: bye we love you 

you got inside the car and you started to cry even more on the way to the airport you feel asleep and then 10 min later your mom woke you up .You guys went to get your tickets.

this was your new house anyways back to the story 

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this was your new house anyways back to the story 

in two days your going to start your new school .

skip to the first day 

today was your first day at your new school . 

1 year pass by 

no text from jabez of sam

2 years pass

no jabez or sam

update on your life  you had a baby sister well she now 2 but yeah . 

3 years pass by 

no jabez or sam

you and your family are moving back to little elm  

is jabez and sam still remember you!!

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