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            The alarm began to scream into my ears when i jolt up awake. I turn to it and turn it off calmly when i get off my bed and began to get ready for the day. I began to slide on my tight white jeans on and throw on a T-shirt with cute pink skulls all over it, then i slip on on a pastel blue and pink hoodie on and began to put of my black converse.

             I then grab a red head band with two little horns on it and put it on. Grasping onto my belt as well, i wrap it around my stomach and attach a little red devil tail on it. Taking a glance in the mirror of myself, i then grab my backpack and wait by the bus stop so i could go to school.

                  It's really not easy being a 5"2 sophomore boy. Especially with the way i dress. I have a...strange sense of style when it comes to decorations or clothes. It's usually bunnies, skulls, kittens, pink, you know.. A combination of dark, edgy, and cute. Eventually the bus comes and i get on. Everyone's eyes laid on me and whispering snarky comments about me as i pass them to get into an empty seat. It's about 20 minutes until i finally get to school. I hop off the bus and began to slip inside the school Building. I then walk into my class and sit against a wall and took out my textbooks for 1st period math. All of my periods began to fly by until 8th period community service.

                    I walk into the classroom to find all of my other classmates sitting on beanbags on the rug going over the script

               "Oh elliot!!, did you bring the sock puppets??" A tall brunette boy asks me, i know him.. He's in my math class and my history class. His name is milo, i have no idea why but I've always been fascinated by him, he has a huge thing for poltergeists and i like it. I also stare at him in class. I know.. It sounds kind of weird but.. I cant help it. I don't really think he actually wanted to be in community service, maybe his parents set him up for it.

                     "Of course hun!!~" god its my British accent.. I call everyone hun or sweetheart or other things. I learned the accent from my mother. I don't come from Britain. Its just the accent that comes from there.

                 "Great" milo replies back as i take the box out from my backpack and take out Everyone's sock puppets and hand them out. Everyone began to slide them onto their arms and began to make their mouths open and shut, then eventually they made them talk to each other.

                 I smile as i watched them try out all the puppets i made them. After a while we began to rehearse.

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