Chapter 2

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The next day, Bell awoke and had to pry his eyelids apart, as apparently, he'd been crying all night. Sighing and rubbing his eyes so that they could actually open, he got up and went to the washroom to clean himself up. Coming back to his room, he sleepily put on his armor, geared up, and made his way out to the front congregation area of the mansion and waited for the rest of the party to trickle in. He peered into the goddess's room on his way out, and it seemed as if she had already left, which was odd since her shifts usually didn't start until a couple of hours after he left. But considering what had happened the day before, he didn't question it.

When everyone had gathered in the room, he motioned them out the door silently, with everyone else following behind. Out of habit, he turned towards the Hostess of Fertility to pick up lunch. Syr, as per usual, was waiting outside with a bright smile on her face. As Bell and company walked up, however, she saw the tired look on Bell's face, a stark contrast from the day before. "Heya Bell! Are you doing alright?" she asked, a concerned look growing on her face.

Bell looked up and seeing her face lifted a small weight off his shoulders. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"...are you sure? Your voice says otherwise. I know what you sound like when you're tired, Bell."

"Is it that obvious?"

"It kind of is... everyone and their mother can see it," she teased.

Bell chuckled, having lost the battle. "I'll be fine, Syr. Don't worry about me," he said, half-forcing a smile.

"Okay..." Syr conceded, handing him his lunch. "Just don't get hurt, okay? I'd better see you tomorrow! Promise?"

"Promise!" Bell assured her, taking the lunch. "Thank you, Syr."

"Of course!" Syr said, waving as the party walked off.

Syr turned around and walked back into the bar where she was met by Ryuu on the way in.

"So? Did you ask him?" Ryuu asked.

"No, not today. Something was up, and I don't think it was the right time to ask."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. All I know is that he looked super mopey and sad."

"Hm. I feel like asking him would cheer him up, but if that's what's in your best judgment, I can't fault you on that. Besides, I don't know much about relationships anyway."

"You're fine, thanks, Ryuu. I think I'll make his lunch extra special tomorrow to cheer him up, then!!"

Ryuu couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's positivity. Everyone needs a Syr in their lives, she thought to herself.


At Hephaestus's shop, Hestia moped around and didn't speak a word to anyone, not even Hephaestus herself. Around midday, Hephaestus had become fed up and her lackluster attitude and confronted Hestia about it. Near dragging Hestia, she brought Hestia into her main office and sat her down. "Alright, what's the matter with you? You come into my shop in a sloppy uniform and you're half-assing everything. What's going on?"

Hestia looked at her with sad eyes Hephaestus saw the tears begin to well up. Oh no, here it comes.

"He broke up with meeeeeeeeeee!" Hestia cried, latching onto Hephaestus and sobbing.

"He did... what?"

Hestia sniffled. "He... He broke up with me! Bell!"

"Were you guys dating?"

Caught in her partial lie, Hestia looked down. ""

"Then how did he break up with you? You guys weren't even dating!"

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