Chapter 3

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A few days passed and both parties were equally as nervous the whole way through. The day had finally come, and Bell stood outside the Hostess of Fertility sporting a small drawstring leather bag, containing a big blanket and cutlery. He had opted to go with a nice, dark blue, long-sleeved shirt and dark brown pants, with black shoes to close off the outfit. Bell glanced around, waiting for Syr to appear. As he went to put his hands in his pockets, he heard a voice from behind. Turning around, he saw Syr in a plain, white short-sleeved dress with a brown leather belt hugging her waist, all on top of white flats jogging toward him with a basket in the crook of her arm. As she jogged toward him, her other hand was holding onto the sunhat that was on her head. When she got closer, Bell noted that she was wearing a small gold chain around her neck, which beautifully accentuated the rest of the simple outfit. He also noted that he had never seen her with her hair down, and he quickly became quite fond of how she looked with it down. Panting heavily, Syr stopped in front of Bell, bent over with her hands on her knees.

"Sorry I'm so late! These pies took a bit longer to cook than I thought," Syr said, out of breath and flashing Bell an apologetic smile.

"Oh, you're fine. I was running a little late too, no big deal!"

"Well, at least I'm not alone on that. Let's get going!" Syr said, taking Bell by the arm. "Where are we headed?"

"I found a grassy clearing right outside of the city limits that we could go to. There are a few trees there that we could sit under and eat. Is that okay? I was going to take you to Amor Square, but I felt that was a little much."

"Yeah, that's fine! Just so long as we can... talk in private," Syr flirted, winking at Bell. Bell, not being used to anyone flirting with him and clinging to his arm, both separately and at the same time, turned bright pink, flustered at her words. Seeing this, Syr giggled. "You're cute when you're flustered like that," she teased.

"Sh-shut up," Bell stammered, eliciting another giggle from Syr. As they walked toward the main gate, they made casual small talk as they waded their way through the adventurers heading toward the dungeon. They waited in line to be let outside of the city walls, and once they got to the grassy clearing, Syr looked around, taking in the sights of the outside of the city.

"I've never actually been here," Syr noted. "I've always stayed inside the city. I haven't gotten any reason to go outside of the limits.

"Really? That's kinda surprising, you've lived here longer than I have."

"Yeah, isn't it? I've also never really been to Amor Square."

"That's actually even more surprising. I've been there once already, and I got here when I was fourteen. The last time I was there was around two weeks after I had gotten to Orario when my goddess made me take her on a date here. That's when we got chased by a bunch of other goddesses who were surprised that my goddess had gotten a date and wanted to see what I looked like," Bell recalled, shuddering at the memory. "It was fun, but we spent the entire time running around."

"From the stories I've heard of you, that's not much different from what you in the dungeon, now is it?"

"Hey, I've gotten better! I don't run around as much anymore..."

Syr poked his cheek. "'As much', huh? Sounds like old habits die hard, Rabbit Boy!" Syr teased again, giggling.

"...let's just go find a place to sit down."

Syr laughed, having won the battle. The two began looking around, and Bell pointed at a tree that was near the center of the clearing. "Let's head to that one."

Bell took out the blanket he had and draped it across the grass. Setting out two plates with a glass, fork, spoon, and knife each, he sat down as Syr took food out of her basket. She pulled out two still-steaming chicken pot pies, two small loaves of bread, a fruit platter, and a brown, ceramic flash, labeled "tea". "Alright! Let's dig in!"

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