Chapter 4

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Punk’s phone rang on the nightstand and that woke him.


“Hey Punk, you okay?” It was Chester.


“You left before the end of the concert yesterday night so I was worried.”

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about me. AJ called said she’d come back home for the night so I headed back.”

“But I thought she was in Texas”

“That was the original plan but somehow she decided to come back home. Obviously she was missing me.”

“Yeah obviously,” said Chester suspiciously “does she have a beard and some triad tattoos on her elbows?”

“Hell no! what are you alluding here?”

“Punk, you don’t need to lie, there are tons of pics of you and Jared Shannon and Tomo on bikes on the internet!”

Fucking paparazzi! thought Punk Now I’m trapped his mind was racing; trying to find a relevant explanation other than ‘I wanted to spend more time with Jared.’

When Punk did not answer, Chester added:

“I don’t really care that you enjoy spending time with them, but why do you feel like you have to lie to me? Ain’t I one of your best friends?”

“Of course you are Ches’. This is just that I… I don’t really understand myself to be honest…”

“Please do not tell me that Jared made you question your sexuality.”

“God no!” exclaimed Punk “I am a recently married man, I can’t screw everything up.”

“But if AJ weren’t in your life you’d have wanted to spend more time with him, right?

Punk felt heat rushing to his cheeks “I can’t tell, I don’t know…”

“Ya know, I’ve known Jared for a while now and you are not the only one who feels ill at ease and distracted in his presence. He is one hell of an awesome man!”


“I myself said some years ago that I’d have sex with him if I were a woman.”

“This ain’t a valid excuse for the way I feel right now.”

“Maybe the question you should ask yourself is: how did you feel yesterday?”

“I felt…” Punk hesitated “good… I had a good time… I can’t lie… Do you think he feels the same?”

“I highly doubt he does. You know Phil, Jared is rather cold-hearted when it comes to relations beside his family. It is a true challenge to know how he feels. He has a solid armor.”

“I should probably just forget him.”

“If you are this fretted about the whole situation you should talk to him.”

“Sure! I’ll say ‘Hey Jared I think I have feelings for you but I am married and God knows I love AJ’ that’s a great idea Ches’; thank you!”

“Shannon is the only one who has access to his brother’s feelings. Do you want me to talk to him?”

“God dammit Chester! This is not a damn romance novel! We’re not in high school!”


“You should forget about this whole conversation. I am not completely awake anyway. I say a lot of bullshit.”

“If that’s your wish.” sighed Chester.

“Have a nice day Chester, bye,” Punk curtly hang up.

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