Chapter 5

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“How about we met at that nice restaurant we ate at last time we were in Montreal?” said Jared over the phone to his brother “See you there then” with those last words, he hung up.

Alone he explored the city and took some pics with fans who had recognized him before he met his brother at the said restaurant.

Shannon had spent the morning with his new girlfriend. She reminded him of his brother in so many ways, she had great hair, she was vegan and she had a good influence on him. After the last few months and the struggle he had faced, that was all he needed. Stability and comfort. However, Shannon did not want his family to meet her yet. Jared and Constance knew that she existed thanks to the paparazzi but Shannon wanted Samantha to meet his family on the proper time.

That was why he asked her to stay at the hotel while he was going to enjoy meal with his brother.

“How is she?” asked Jared, bringing his cold ice water to his lips.


“Oh come on Shanny! Your girl! Her face has been everywhere in the tabloids for the last two weeks.”

Shannon chuckled “She’s healthy.”

“Don’t play this game Shan.”

“I won’t tell you anything about her, you tell me what you think of her when you meet her baby Jay.”

Jared pouted.

Shannon bent over the table and whispered to Jared’s ear “Don’t worry baby Jay, you’ll always be my little brother, nobody can change that.”

Jared couldn’t hold back the grin that displayed across his face.

“Let’s talk about you now.” said Shannon getting back into his seat.

“Me? There’s nothing to talk about, y’know just hook-ups, random girls here and there.”

“That’s not what I was alluding to Jared,” seriousness was perceptible in Shannon’s voice “what was that game you were playing with Punk the other day?”

“I wasn’t…”

“I know you by heart baby Jay” Shannon cut his brother short.

Jared smiled and took a bite of his vegan pizza “there is no harm in playing with that man’s heart.”

“I knew it!” exclaimed Shannon “all of this eyelid game and hair swinging was just to seduce him right?”

Jared grinned and wrinkled his nose “Well you know.”

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