Chapter Two - Her

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I walked into the room smiling at all of the children, none of them stood out, until I saw this little girl wearing a white dress, flats and her hair in two braids. I looked over at Lillian, asking, "Who is she?" She looked at me, "Her name is Trinity Rose. She's been here for about two months, would you like to see her file?" I nod, and she takes me to her office. 

As we were sitting there, I could hear all the kids go back to playing. Lillian handed me the file, opening it I began to read.

Name: Trinity Rose Michael

Age: 4 years old

Birth date: 4/18/12 / April 18th, 2012.

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Description: Trinity arrived at my orphanage around 2:30 am. The officer that brought her here said that she had been abused and only told her, her name when Trinity first came she had bruises all over her body and wouldn't sleep in an actual bed, she seemed to warm up to the older girls within the first three weeks that she was here. She still hasn't talked, but hopefully, she will talk to whoever adopts her. Her mother died giving birth to her and her father is going to jail for 6 years.

I continued to look through the file. There were two sets of pictures, one with all the bruises that she came in with than the other from about a week ago which showed that the bruises had improved and were fading rapidly.

I looked up at Lillian, "I want her." She looked taken back for a second, "Are you sure Ma'am?" "I'm sure, could I go talk to her?" Lillian nodded and I walked back to the room where all of the kids were at.

Seeing Trinity at the table coloring with an older girl who looked about fifteen, I sat on the ground in front of them with a smile on my face. "Hi, my name is Demetria, but everyone calls me Demi, I take it that you're Trinity?" I said already knowing it was her, she looked up at me and nodded her head. "Would you like to go home with me sweetie?" She stopped coloring finally taking her attention away from it, she looked at the girl who was sitting next to her, she nodded her head at Trinity.

Trinity looked back at me and slowly nodded her head you could tell she was nervous doing so. "I already signed the papers, so do you need help packing your stuff?" She shook her head and went to her room about five minutes later she came down with a small bag in her arms.

"Is that all?" She nodded once again and we were allowed to leave, I helped her into the car with a little hesitation because she seemed like she was shaking when I picked her up.

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