Ch 1 - Some Costly Change

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(Y/n = your name)
Narrator POV

'I can't believe I'm late today of all days! It's my first day at my new school and I can't even make it on time. I hope this doesn't completely ruin my first impression with my new classmates at U.A. High.' Y/n was getting desperate so she decided to take the back alley to get to her new, prestigious school. She had been running for hours and if she didn't miss her alarm she would've actually caught the last bus to the city.

Even though the back alley was scary, she really couldn't run anymore. 'Alright. I'll walk for a minute and then I'll beeline for the exit before I start psyching myself out,' she thought to herself. Her minute to catch her breath was almost up when someone from a perpendicular alley called out to her.

"Excuse me... miss? Please help me. I've been stuck out here for days with no food." She looked over her shoulder. It was a poor old man wrapped up in a thick blanket. The shade from the buildings around them blocked out the image of the man's face. As creepy as this was, she couldn't turn down a plea for help.

"I dont have any food on me but I do have some spare change." Y/n reached into her pocket and took out her own lunch money. She wouldn't tell the man it was her own food she was giving away because he obviously needed it more than she did. Right as she was about to drop the coins in his open hands he grabbed her wrist with only four fingers and stuck a pink syringe into her arm.

Y/n got out of the man's hold with the needle still pierced in her skin. Her vision was getting cloudy and it felt like her legs were melting into the Earth. Looking back at the old man she wasn't sure if she was seeing quadruple because she could've sworn there were four guys in front of her. She tore the needle from her arm.

"What- what was that?" She spoke in a shaky voice. "Just relax, it'll all be over soon," the not-so-old man said. She was so close to the end of the alleyway, if she was fast enough she could make it out and ask for help. Turning her head only worsened the already spinning vision she had. Y/n tripped over herself as she ran, her instinct being the only thing keeping her on her feet. She was so close to the end of the tunnel when a black mist engulfed her and she emerged back out where she had first seen the man. Before y/n knew it, a blue haired guy had emerged from the blanket and grabbed her by her throat, slamming her into the brick building behind her. Her cries struggled to escape her throat because of the man's strength against her neck.

"If you scream, I won't hesitate to end you and find another guinea pig." Y/n froze in fear as her consciousness was being choked out of her. She looked past the deranged man's head and glimpsed at the three other people. 'Why won't they help me?' She had no idea that she had just become a prime asset to the league of villains. Y/n's vision was fading out but she could've sworn she saw red feathers whizzing around, attacking her captors.

"And if you hurt that girl, I won't hesitate to throw you in Tartarus, Tomura Shigaraki."

To Be Continued~

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