Super Edition Contest

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Hello, Warriors fans! This is a special contest for you guys!

Setting: Anytime from Dawn of the Clans to  the Last Hope.

Idea: Write a super edition story about a character in the warriors series. The main character must be a real character. Other characters can be invented, but the main character must be a cat that was actually mentioned in one of the books. The main character must be a cat other than Hawkheart, as CrazystarThunderClan has already begun to write a super edition about Hawkheart as an example for you guys. Hawkheart can be used as a minor character though.

Deadline: The competition ends at 12:00 AM ET on February 10, 2013.

How to enter the contest: Email the link to your story to us. Make the subject say "LionheartPublishing Super Edition Contest 2012". The story must be marked as Completed when you send us the link. Results will be posted by 12:00 AM ET on February 11, 2013.

Length: Must have a prologue and at least 10 chapters. Each chapter(including the prologue) must have at least four paragraphs in them. The story must be at least 7 Wattpad pages long.

Rules for participation: Anyone, except for members of LionheartPublishing account(CrazystarThunderClan, firestar4ever, paddy97coolpink, and Flamefire) may participate. You must have at least one other story published(warriors of non-warriors, completed or not completed) to participate though.

Link to CrazystarThunderClan's example story:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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