Phone Call's

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Even as Tar still loved Tharn he knew they're time has passed. He has been secretly following Tharn for a week now watching who he was with and where he went. Looking at him with his new boyfriend it was obvious to even a blind person that they were in love.

Tar didn't want to be the catalist that broke their relationship but he knew that Lhong will just use another person to do his dirty work. This and sweet revenge was the only thing he wanted out of this.

He was suppose to see the therapist starting last week, but he managed to delay it until today.

He knew he needed this, but how could he talk about this? What if his beloved older brother found out?

The last week his phone has not stopped ringing between his parents, his brother and harrassment from Lhong his life was crazy again.

He was also calling Tharn again, this whole thing was majorly stressing him out, and he knows he needed to find a balance soon before his life exploded in his face again.

Now it was 3PM and here he stood outside the therapist office, Tum was picking him up at 4PM after the session.

Walking in he gave his name to the receptionist and was directed to sit in a small room that had only three comfortable looking chairs.

In this room he was told his therapist would come to collect him.

As he waited he looked around looking at all the landscape photos on the walls, and listening to the light music coming from the speakers on the wall.

All in all he would say the design was a very relaxing atmosphere, but his nerves just won't let him relax.

Drifting in his own world he didn't hear the therapist walk in or call his name.

But the soft touch on his shoulder, had him jumping from his seat and running to the far corner of the room.

Turing wild eyes filled with fear, he look at the man dressed in jeans and a polo shirt that was holding both hands infront of him with both palms open, with fingers facing the ceiling.

Feeling deeply embarrassed, he stood up from his crouch position in the corner and looked at his therapist again.

He was an older man, shorter and even slimmer than he was.

How can he even help me Tar things to himself?

"Tar, am sorry for scaring you. Am also sorry for the touch, I just wanted to get your attention. My name is Mr.Saeli, my office is this way if you can please follow me."

Tar listened to cadence of Mr.Saeli voice and almost relaxed at once. His voice was low, soft and smooth, it reminded him of his mom's tone when she use to pick him up after he fell down.

Walking into the therapist office after him, Tar was given another shock.

Two of the walls were nothing but glass, on one side you could see nothing but trees and in the other it over looked a maze flower garden filled will colorfull flowers.

Besides a book shelf on the left solid wall, there was three different set up of chairs in the room. No desk for the therapist to behind.

" Please set where you comfortable Tar."

Looking at the set up, Tar chose to sit where his back was towards the glass, and he faces the door. This seating arrangement also put the therapist furthest away from him.

"Tar as this is your first session, we don't have to talk about anything of importance. I can do most of the talking today but I will need some input from you. Tar, I also want you to know this is a judgment free zone, use this place as a stepping stone for your healing."

"Tar, for your first few sessions I will be taking some notes, but I want you to know everything you say here is confidential. As long as your not going to hurt yourself or others. The words you speak in this room stays in this room."

"Do you understand?"

Tar gave a quick head nod

" One other thing I need you to do for me Tar, when I ask a question I will like a verbal answer please or you can write  it if you're more comfortable."

"Yes, I understand." Responded Tar

" Are you ready to talk about what's going on today?"

Shaking his head and saying "No" at the same time. Tar looked at the therapist to see his reaction.

But the older man only smiled gently at him and said " that's fine, we will play a game instead."

" I will show you some photos, I want you say the first thing that comes to mind."

First photo was of two adults and two children
Tar: Family

Photo of books
Tar: School

Photo of art
Tar: Tainted

Photo of a heart
Tar: Broken

Photo of a girl looking out a window
Tar: Depressed

Photo of drawing supplies
Tar:Lost love

Photo of Tum
Tar: My rock (he says with a catch in his voice)

Photo of a guy playing drums.
Tar: Tharn
As be broke down into tears.

Mr.Saeli got up moved to the shelf, and brought back a box of tissues. Putting it next to Tar, he watch the quiet young man cry as if his whole world has ended.

"It's ok Tar, remember your safe here. I will not judge you, I will not inflict pain on you and above all I will respect you."

"It's ok to cry when your in pain, but don't let it consume your life, your world. You have been so strong for a long time, you parents told me this has been going on for about a year."

" Take your time, when your ready we can talk. No rush, no time limit on when you need to talk to me."

Hearing the therapist soothing voice only made Tar cry harder. And he spend the rest of the appointment crying and looking out the window.

He also used the entire box of tissues.

Mr. Saeli didn't say another word, just wrote in a book and read from some other books while taking notes.

Finally feeling mentally and physically drained Tar looked at the therapist with sad, red, puffy eyes and said.

"I hate him so much, he ruined my life. My own personal devil, I still cannot understand why he did this to me? Just because we loved the same man didn't give him the right to destroy my world."

After saying that Tar got quiet again until his session was over.

As he got up to leave his therapist said " Tar we meeting twice a week, I have your schedule here. Always remember don't give into your fear, don't give your personal devil freedom to live in your head."

" Think of what you want to accomplish out of this, set a goal and bring it to me on Wednesday."

"Yes, I will try." Was Tar response as he opened the door and walk out.

Stand Still (Tar's battle To Move On)Where stories live. Discover now