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I opened my eyes, only to close them again, shielding them from the blinding sun. I sat up, covering my eyes with my hand and stood up. I was on a beach, with on one side, water (duh), and on the other side a deep forest. That was when I noticed him. There, leaning against a tree, was a boy. When he noticed I had spotted him, he came out of the shadows. He's kinda attractive... No Y/N! Don't think those things!
(A/N you're probably gonna need Google translate..)
"Waar ben ik?" I asked him in Dutch. He just looked at me, confused. "Wat? Spreek je geen Nederlands?" I asked. He just kept staring at me, so I guessed he didn't. "Est-ce que tu parles français?"  No reaction. " Deutsch? Español?" After a few more languages, I just gave up. "Well that's all I got" I sighed. "Now that I understand!" He said, seemingly proud he finally understood. "How do you know so many languages?" He asked me. "I just have a lot of time to spare, and I'm good at memorizing random words in all kinds of languages" I responded.
"Now, who are you and where am I?" I asked him. "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan. And this place, love, is Neverland."

Hey guys! I hope you liked it! I just used google translate for the different languages, so it could be that I forgot a dash on a letter or something, but I couldn't care less. I know it's pretty short, but I've had this idea for a while and I really wanted to post it, even though it's pretty late right now. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye!

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