Meeting Destiny

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I know I shouldn't be writing another story but I did.

So yeeee.

A young lady sat on a rocking chair surrounded by children buzzing where they sat awaiting for what story would be told today. She had her long black hair tied up in a braided bun and wore a simple outfit. She held wisdom in her grasp but appeared to be too young to understand it. "It has been a while hasn't it? Well, I planned a special story just for you guys. Are you ready?" The children nod as they can barely stay still. "Please tell us the story Ms. Jennifer!" One kid calls out. "Ok ok! I'll tell the story, now get comfortable; since after all, it is long." The children do as they're told, excited to hear what story she would bring today.

"Now let's begin. Long long ago in a small town called Howenburg, there lived a young maiden who spent most of her time sitting on the edge of a cliff. Now what was she doing on this cliff? Well, she sat and she watched animals come and go, some showing signs of past adventures while some showing signs of tragedy. She came to this cliff everyday from when the sun was wide awake till before the sun went to bed, she sat and she drew. She drew them living, she drew them happy, she drew them sad, but most importantly, she drew them so that she could feel again. On one specific day she stood watching what lay beneath the cliff's edge. Her long black hair blowing behind her. Daring to get closer she inched her toes to the ledge. One small slip could change her life forever. Peering down the ledge, animals and plants of all shapes and sizes filled her vision, but one stood out amongst the crowd. Moving her long hair behind her ear she peers closer, trying to get a glimpse of what IT may be. A large scaly body lay curled around a tree, almost protecting it.

Curious she leans ever closer to only lose her balance and fall. Reaching out she grabs the nearest object being a weak branch. For a moment her descent halts as her weight is held by the slowly cracking and bending branch. The branch gives as she lets out a high-pitched scream as she tumbles painfully down the cliff. One sharp rock slashes through her arm leaving a gaping wound, small branches and rocks nick and bruise her skin, and a large boulder hits her head on. Pain is all she sees, feels, and hears. The pounding of her heart raging in her head became ever so slower. The fog that seems to cover her vision grows stronger, and the pain that seems to disappear ever so slowly as she succumbs to darkness. Before her eyes close a large ominous shape hovers over her, unable to move, she lets her mind slip away.

 As time passes the day turns to night leaving a young maiden to be exposed to the stars. Her only protection lay five feet away, curled around a large tree awaiting for the sleeping girl to wake from her slumber. She awoke to the midnight stars twinkling in the sky. She found solace in their dance as she longed to be free like them.

The large figure uncurls from the tree and begins to approach her, and in a hasty response she tries to rise, but ends up falling down in agony. She curls in on herself as she is far too weak to flee let alone defend herself. She peeks out to see large red orbs that seem to swirl in an endless abyss.

In fear she screams and curls up tighter trying to hide herself from the beast before her. The large creature imminates a whimper filled with worry and starts to clean her wounds. As the creature tends to her wound, the flesh around it stitches itself back together leaving no evidence that it was even there in the first place. Her fear turns to confusion as the pain in her body begins to lesson to only a low throb. She once again peeks from her curled up form and sees the creature now illuminated by moonlight.

The creature before her had the face of a lizard with horns going down its snout and around the back of its eyes. It's scales glissen in the moonlight with shades of purple and red at the ends of the scales. Its eyes look as if red orbs were placed in the socket with cat-like pupils. The head rests upon a very long and strong neck with spikes going from the ridge of the head down to the mid-section of the tail. Its wings were slightly folded in with an ombre going from black to a dark purple. What she sees before her is one of the last living Midnight Dragons.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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