The Rules

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(POV: Clara)

The soft clicking of the ceiling fan woke me, and while I watched its blades spin, I recalled the past events that swirled violently within my aching head. A tall spotlight shined into the darkened hospital room from the uncovered window. It illuminated my surroundings. I quickly glanced around the space, which contained two chairs, a TV, and hospital equipment, before it plunged back into darkness. I breathed a heavy sigh after seeing that I was alone. My family had to be somewhere in the hospital. They would not abandon me here. I tried shifting in my bed when my arm and wrist felt numb, but I could not move. I yanked my arm from the railing, and that is when I realized that they had handcuffed me to the bed. From waking up drowsy and sore, I did not realize the situation I was in. I kicked off my blanket and saw the ugly metal ring, which held me captive against my will.

Fear consumed me, and Seven's words circled in my mind. I could join him by turning on humanity or suffer at the hands of the other citizens. I thought my people would not harm me. I saved Judy, so I thought they would be thankful. I was the one who lived, but seeing the handcuffs, the doubts I kept deep inside surfaced. I whimpered as I tried pulling my hand through the cold metal.

After a few moments of struggling, the door opened, and someone turned on the light. I shielded my eyes, using my free left hand to gaze up at the tall physique of my older brother, William. After closing the door, he walked into the room and then sat down in the chair positioned next to the bed. As he frowned at me, he leaned forward to place his knuckles against my cheek and forehead.

"Good," he murmured. "It's gone down."

I asked with a confused voice, "I had a fever?"

He nodded. "You've been asleep for two days. Mom fainted when she heard what happened."

"Is she all right? What about the baby?" I asked as I struggled to sit up against my pillows. The handcuffs forced me to remain lying on my back.

William's eyes drifted to my wrist when he answered, "She and the baby are fine. Dad left a meeting with a Lovely ambassador to come to the hospital. Right now, he's talking with the newly elected police chief."

"You mean he's here? Shouldn't he be busy with meetings this week?" I responded with a high-pitched voice.

"Of course, he'd be here. You are his daughter, Clara. And he's very unhappy with what you did."

I glared at William when I asked, "Is that why I'm handcuffed to the bed?"

William's eyebrows raised high on his forehead when he glanced at my captive wrist. He covered his mouth and then looked away as he attempted to hide his smile on his traitorous face. With a very calm and emotionless voice, William replied, "Don't be mad at me. I didn't handcuff you to the bed, but I knew when you woke up, you'd be angry."

"Angry? Angry? I am livid! I'd imagine anyone would be if they woke up handcuffed to a bed!" I took a deep breath to calm myself after I finished my rant. We stared at each other in silence. When my brother did not continue the conversation, I said, "Tell me what is going on, William. Why can't I leave this room?"

With a heavy sigh, William said with a soft voice, "They're watching us right now."

"What do you mean? Who?"

"The police. They have cameras and microphones set up in here to observe you for any changes that could happen. A Dauth bit you. The doctor ran multiple tests on you and discovered an unknown pathogen in your body."


"That's what they called it. Honestly, they do not know what it is. They said that they have seen nothing like it before."

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