II Chapter 2 ~ [ Everything to a Broken Heart ]

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* Sunday, 9:58pm, Cross Academy, Moon Dorms, somewhere in the hallways *
The quiet became deafening once you got accustomed to being accompanied by at least one person at all times. At least that's what was happening to (y/n). She slowly walked around the dark hallways of the Moon Dorms, alone and surrounded by silence. She would have liked to be lost in thought but was trapped in a cycle of focusing so hard on focusing to think, she was unable to focus and was instead mind-blank and desperate.

Yuki had left her to go to her room to get ready for patrol long ago. Zero, after explaining briefly what had happened to her and him admitting she felt different in some way he couldn't described, had also gone to patrol. Shiro was sleeping, having said he wasn't feeling like staying up for the night. Everyone else, she had not a clue as to where they were.

Actually, (y/n) had no idea where she was heading to, either. She strayed across the hallways, her gaze lost in the darkness outside the towering windows, her mind rolling almost lifelessly across the same empty thoughts. The moon outside was a thin curved line in a sea of inky black sky and blinking starts. It called to her, and the (h/c) walked over to a window. She pressed her hands against the glass, recoiling at its biting coolness. In contrast to the numb throb of the cold, she noticed the buzz under her skin as her power flowed was harsh. It was like fire flaring in her veins instead of liquid blood. She could have believed that. She would have believed that if she didn't have the image of her blood staining a blade and dripping down the stab in her chest so present in her mind. And if she thought of it hard enough, she could feel the warmth of it.

Her eyes lowered to her hands resting against the glass, and (y/n) had to clamp her mouth to keep a shriek from slipping out. Blood stained her (s/c) skin and dripped in thick droplets down the window. She blinked, then it was gone. Her knees wobbled like jelly, and she used the glass to rest against.

It was just an illusion. Nothing was real, so there was nothing to worry about. At least that's what she liked to tell herself; that even though her memory kept bringing forth terrible images and flashes of devastating events, she could keep herself from reaching such heights of despair.

Slowly, she pulled her hands back to her sides. She took a deep breath, then another.

She might be broken, but she knew how to fit her pieces so that she could stay standing. That's what she always did—and would always do. After a minute of quiet contemplation and calming down, she regained her composure and was able to take a few steps back from the window without fearing she would collapse.

The hallways felt suddenly colder. (Y/n) shivered. However, the chills she got weren't because she was feeling the cold biting into her skin; the chills were triggered by a presence standing behind her.

She tensed, heart hammering. Her thoughts went straight away to the worst possible scenario. An image came to her mind, of a man with unforgettable eyes. It chilled her blood thinking it could be him coming back for her.

She whipped around with wide eyes, her power gathering in the tips of her fingers and exploding out in vibrations that made the windows shake.

But her power was shut down when she recognized the dark serene eyes staring down at her. She had a second to breathe before she was taken into a tight yet gentle embrace. The smell of roses filled her.

Kaname titled his head, frowning the tiniest bit. "What are you so scared of?" His silk voice made (y/n) go limp in his arms. Her eyes were still as wide as plates, and her heart wouldn't stop beating like a hammer against her chest. She hadn't been expecting to meet anyone, but seeing Kaname was a terribly pleasing surprise. He continued, "Calm down, (y/n)."

"Kaname," she breathed out. His name was sweet on her tongue, familiar, comforting. She shut her eyes, feeling like a lost child being found. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Kaname."

The male pressed her tighter against him, trailing a hand down her hair in a soothing manner. It was like a father comforting a child.

"Did you calm down?"

The (h/c) sniffled before nodding. She buried her face deeper into his chest, relishing the warm safeness of the older Pureblood. She wondered where the rose smell had come from, but decided against asking—she would take it in happily as long as it lasted. An eternity seemed to pass until he spoke again.

"What is it, (y/n)? I know you're worried about something. You can talk to me about anything, whenever you need."

(Y/n) nodded. "I-I know. It's just I..." She trailed off, wondering if she should really talk to Kaname about the strange man she kept seeing.

His eyes were warm and comforting, and (y/n) opened her mouth to speak. But her voice betrayed her and melted into a sigh in her lips. She was reluctant. Why, she didn't know. Something just seemed wrong thinking she would be speaking of a past lover to Kaname when she really didn't know what he was to her. When she didn't know what she was to him. God, she didn't even know what Kaname had meant to her in her last life, considering she had known him from somewhere for him to be able to awaken her memories. Everything was just too confusing at the moment.

Kaname followed suit and also sighed. "You know," he started, once again caressing her hair softly, "whatever you tell me won't change the way I feel about you. Not one bit."

(Y/n) presses her lips together. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that, no matter what you say or do, I will keep loving you."

The girl's mouth fell open. Her eyes widened, stars dancing in her (e/c) irises. Her heart hit her chest like a ball out of control bouncing around inside her ribcage. Blood flowed to her cheeks warmly, making her blush. For a moment, all that she could do was stare dumbfounded and embarrassed at the Pureblood male. She even thought she might be seeing sparks ignite around them, but she wasn't sure if it was all in her imagination or if the love he felt for her could be setting flame to something inside her too.

Kaname smiled, a tint of red in his pale cheeks. "I love you, (y/n), more than anything in the world."

A soft whimper left the (h/c) female's lips.  Chills assaulted her, but she didn't really know if they were from pure happiness or a turmoil of mixed emotions from the past few weeks finally bursting out from her.

Tears burned in the back of her throat, and she couldn't swallow them back down before they started to drop down her cheeks like diamonds falling. She pressed herself closer to Kaname, not wanting to wipe them away. She wanted to breathe in more of his scent, wanted to keep feeling his warmth, wanted to make sure his arms around her never fell away.

But she was also scared. Scared she would be left again. Scared she would be the one to leave.

She tried to speak, but instead of the words she wanted to say only soft cries fluttered away from her. She shut her mouth, trembling in Kaname's gentle embrace.

Her heart ached as if it was being squeezed. Somewhere deep inside her, a piece of her old self reattached itself into her. She felt a little more whole. Very scared, but more complete.

Knowing she was loved, she somehow knew she could love back with everything she had and was.

And for what seemed like hours, (y/n) stayed in Kaname's arms knowing he loved her, trying to figure out how to say "I love you, too," even though she knew the words would never come out. While she cried and felt loved, though, she imagined she could forget the rest of the world and make her life simpler. She imagined Kaname was the only one she loved even though she knew she would lie to herself.

For a little while, it worked, and Kaname was everything she had and wanted.

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