prologue: yours

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❝ not once have i eaten butterflies,but why does my stomachfeel so full of them? ❞

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not once have i eaten butterflies,
but why does my stomach
feel so full of them? ❞

1:05 ───|────── 5:52

|◁ II ▷|

∞ ↺


"seohyun," with my eyes that woke up from a light slumber, i woke up to see the one who owns my heart, a soft smile that flashed on my face as i held her hand in mine.

feeling the flesh of her skin that kept contact with mine, and having the desire to embrace her wholeheartedly, made me feel the warmth and comfort that no one else could give me.

"hey," she told me. the way she looked down at me made me feel at home.

the way i drowned in her gaze made me look like a fool for her.

and then i held her hand tightly, as if it was our last moment together.

we're just lovers in a dream,

wasting time,

and enoying every second of it.

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