part two.

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Jeonghan has been feeling it in the back of his head all day, the aura that settles on top of one's mind when they're about to get a headache. Except it doesn't feel like it usually does when he normally gets a headache; the sensation is filtered somehow and also not. Thinking it's one of those headaches that goes away on its own, Jeonghan doesn't move from where he is on the couch, laughing along with some of the members as they fool around and play video games.

It's only sometime later when Jeonghan is done messing with his dongsaengs that he notices Joshua is not around. He glances around and peeks around the corner into the kitchen; it's empty except for Mingyu who is cooking something and Chan who is drinking water.

"Has anyone seen Joshuji?" He asks the room at large.

Hansol finger guns at him when he passes by from the bathroom. "He's sleeping, Jeonghan-hyung. Josh-hyung said he had a headache so he's resting in your room right now."

Jeonghan nods his thanks. "I'll go check on him."

He knows Joshua isn't awake but he isn't going to tell them that. Yet anyway. Settling into a relationship with Joshua was easier than Jeonghan had ever expected. They fit in a way that Jeonghan never gets something to fit in his life usually and they work so seamlessly together that Jeonghan wants to cry at how smoothly they fit, at how well they are together. After finding out they were soulmates, there was no hesitation or doubt that they would be romantic soulmates. Jeonghan literally could not have been happier.

The other members know of their relationship, but don't know that they are soulmates. They haven't told them yet. Being an idol, while rewarding, does have its downsides, such as public scrutiny and lack of privacy. And so, Jeonghan and Jisoo have decided to keep this part of their relationship quiet for now, something just for them in a world where almost nothing can be.

Jeonghan opens the door to their bedroom quietly. He tries his hardest to make his footfalls gentle so as not to disturb Joshua and thinks it's working until Joshua croaks out a tired, "Just get over here."

Jeonghan doesn't hesitate to rush over. He places a hand on Joshua's forehead, which is lightly beaded with sweat. He coos quietly when Joshua makes a pained huff and pushes more into his hand.

"If I knew for sure I wouldn't puke I'd move over for you."

Jeonghan quietly chuckles as he gently pats Joshua on the forehead. "It's the thought that counts, Shua."

He doesn't say anything else as he slips off his slippers and softly lifts the duvet from where it's tucked haphazardly around Joshua. Jeonghan gets under the covers and tries his hardest to not jostle Jisoo too much and when he's finally settled in, they both let out sighs of relief.

Jeonghan scoots a little way up the bed and pushes Jisoo's head to his shoulder. Jisoo instead throws an arm over Jeonghan's waist and buries his nose in Jeonghan's throat, making little happy noises when Jeonghan starts running his fingers through his hair and lightly massages his scalp.

Jeonghan can feel that lingering migraine aura fade from his own head and hopes that Jisoo is feeling better before he drifts off to sleep, hand still in Jisoo's hair.

When the members come in to check on them a little later, they decide not to wake the two up simply because of how peaceful they look.

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