Chapter 29

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I went back to Biliran the next day without sight of Freya. According to Macoy, Freya went to Ormoc to savor her last days in the Philippines. And here I am, frustrated. I wanted Freya back in my life. But I don't know how.

"Thinking of Freya?" I turned and saw Carmen who sat beside me.

I didn't answer. But she already had an idea on what I'm thinking about.

"You know, before dad died, he told me about what really happened."

I bowed down.

"He told me that if he had enough strength, he would fix both of you. It would be a waste to just leave it be you know."

"I'm sorry if I tried pushing you all away."

"Harry, you didn't." She said, patting my shoulder, "You never tried. In fact, you're here with us now. You still have us as family."

I smiled.

"But Freya thinks that she's being pushed away. We need to prove to her that she's not being pushed away. That she is family." She smiled and rose up to leave.

I then thought about the book. I've finished it after the burial. If a proof is needed to know that she has a home in the Philippines, I would want to be the proof. And at the same time, tell her the truth.

"Carmen." I said and she turned, "I have a plan."

She then smiled.

Carmen then gathered everyone to talk about the plan. Since Tacoy said that Freya would leave via Cebu, we all planned to go there before her, and give her a proper farewell before leaving. I then told them that I'll tell the truth to her. We immediately prepared and hurriedly went to Ormoc and rode a boat via Cebu. We decided to do it at daytime since Freya would depart to Cebu by night. We then told Tacoy of the plan, promising himself of secrecy and finding a way to travel to Cebu without Freya's knowledge.

A Journey of Two Spoliarium Lovers: The Other Experience (Journey Series)Where stories live. Discover now