(1) Meeting a Weird Person

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"Ahem, hi! I'm (Y/N)!" You said, practicing your introduction in the mirror. "No no, that's just weird. Walking up to a random kid and introducing themselves." You scratched your head. "(Y/N), you're running late!" You heard your mom say. You ran down the stairs, slightly tripped, and fell out the front door. "Am I ready to start, KINDERGARTEN!?" You yelled, before setting out to your new school.

You ran into somebody on your way to school. "OH UM, I.. sorry?" You said, not knowing what to do. You looked at who you bumped into, but they looked a bit..unusual. He was cross-eyed, had crazy hair, and in that mess were..nuggets? "Nugget accepts strangers apology." The unknown child said. "Uh, what?" You said, wondering why he said nugget. "Nugget seems to notice that stranger is confused. But Nugget shouldn't be talking to strangers." The unusual boy said. "Why are you-? Nevermind, I'll save questions for later."
"Nugget needs to hurry to school before he is late." He said, hurrying past you. You totally forgot about school! You might even be a minute late by now! "WAIT! DO YOU GO TO THE UH..KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL?!" You said, the kindergarten you went to didn't have a name for some unknown reason. "Yes, Nugget goes to Kindergarten." He said, still walking. "Um, you wouldn't mind me walking with you, right?" You said, hoping that this boy would be going to the same school as you. "Nugget has never had someone walk with him. Nugget would like company. Stranger is allowed to walk with Nugget." He said, still walking in front. You tried to go to his pace and walk beside him. "So, what's your name?" You said. "Nugget's name is Nugget." You looked at him with confusion. "..Your REAL name is Nugget-?" 'Nugget' nodded as he made a sharp turn to the right. Caught off guard, you tried to turn with him but slipped. "Wait, oof!" Nugget stopped and turned, but did nothing. "Aren't you gonna check on me or something?" You said, getting up and dusting yourself off. "Nugget does not help strangers." Nugget started walking again when you catched up. "Oh! Well, if I introduce myself, does that still mean we're strangers?"
"Nugget is not sure if that's how it works."
"I'll do it anyway, I'm (Y/N)!" You said, smiling even though Nugget wasn't even looking at you. "(Y/N) sounds like a good name." Nugget said, turning another corner but it wasn't that sharp. "Nugget and (Y/N) are here at Kindergarten."

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