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Lee Bo hyun (prov)

ETTOKHE?!! I overslept again and today is my first class.If I'm late than I'll get punishment points.I cant be late I need to run!!🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️💨💦

Huff...huff...huff...I...huff...They...didn't even wake me...huff...I just have 3 min until the first class. I need to hurry.

! BANG!💥💥💢
Ahh.....! What the..? "Hey can't you see?" "What ? your were the one who bumped into me?!"A manly voice but kind of a young boy who is just growing up telling that. I lifted my eyes to see his face but he is too tall my eyes barely saw his name badge "MARK TUAN" it read, Is he a foreign student, I thought 💭

"YOU DUMBO,IDIOT YOU WONT GET UP?" He brought forward his hand and I took it he pulled me up at once😳.....lub-dub-lub-DUP...💓 WHAT THE...HELL? What is this situation,right now? Our face ..its just ⏰⏰ RING...!!
(The morning bell rang and it's for sure that on the very first day I'm getting a punishment point)
He left my left and I bumped to the floor again "Are you nuts?" I argued and without answering he turned a cold shoulder and left.


Stay tuned cause i will be updating tomorrow or may be more soon♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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