Happy Pills / Chapter Three

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Don't play the song yet

It's been a year since he cheated on y/n. She's now 17, and is bullied everyday.

"Look who it is! If it isn't miss fatty!" Regina says. "P-please leave me alone!" I stutter "'P-p-please leave me alone!' Hah! You're pathetic! Just kill yourself!" She kicks me in the back causing me to fall The the ground, dropping all my books. "Bye fatty!" She says laughing. I get my books and put them in my locker. Maybe getting chocolate from the drug store will help.. I think closing my locker.

Once I get to the drug store I see a new bottle on the shelf near the candy

"Happy Pills!! Makes all your Sadness and Depression go away! Only 25 Cents a bottle!" I check my pocket I have three dollars. Enough to buy twelve bottles! Maybe this'll help more than chocolate! I grab twelve bottles and set them on the counter "That'll be three dollars Ma'am, are you sure? The more pills you take the more depressed you get after you quit." The cashier says concerned. I nod and give him the money taking the pills. He sighs and I leave the store. 

Once I get home I open the first bottle and read the directions First Week: Take 1 pill in the morning and 1 pill at night. Second week: If first week dosage doesn't help up the dosage by 1 more pill each time.   I take a pill out and grab water. Carefully I put a pill in my mouth and was it down with water. Suddenly my world brightens and I smile. All I can do is smile and laugh. Is this what being happy feels like? It's amazing!!

-Three Weeks Later-

I've upped the dosage to three pills in the morning, three at lunch, and three at night. Everyone keeps looking at me like I'm crazy. This is the first time I don't care what they think. It feels great! A guy wearing a Steven universe shirt comes up to me. "Heyyy Y/n right?" He asks. "Yep!! That's me!!" He looks at me with concern shaping in his eyes. "I-I think we've met before..But now, you're so different. What happened?" I laugh. Play the song. "I take my pills and I'm happy all the time!! Happy all the time!! Hate myself cause I'm not worth the price. No I ain't worth not the price. No I ain't worth the price. (Skip first two sentences) even if they find me, I'm apathetic and they can't take that away. I take my pills and I'm happy all the time, happy all the time! I'm happy all the time. I Hate myself cause I'm not worth the price. I'm not worth the price no I'm not worth the price. The voices in my right brain, are kinda funny. They tell me 'take a deep breath'. It's sounds sunny, but I'll leave the lights on! It's so obvious that my life's pretty plain. I take my pills and I'm happy all the time. Happy all the time! I'm happy all the time! I hate myself cause I ain't with the price. I ain't worth the price. No I ain't worth the price. We take strange things to feel normal. I take strange things to feel normal. We take strange things to feel normal. To feel normal. To feel normal." I pop another five pills. "I take my pills and I'm happy all the time! Happy all the time! I'm happy all the time! I hate myself cause I ain't worth the price. I ain't worth the price. No I ain't worth the price." I feel strong arms around me. I look up to realize it's the guy. "It's okay to not be happy. You don't need to take pills. I'm here for you." Regina comes over. "Nice joke Thomas! You really had her fooled! I can't believe the fatty is taking happy pills! How pathetic. Maybe she should just off herself." Thomas starts to say something but then she covers his mouth and drags him away. Maybe I should off myself... yeah. I'll do that...

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