*sigh....* coleXnya.... (I'm sooooo gonna regret this.... -3-)

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URGGGG!!!!! I had an idea....and.....it was stupid ColeXNya (sooooooooo hate this ship!!!) but I guess this was an okay idea, and I had to get it out of my brain.....

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Nya P.O.V

It's after Zanes, um....funeral, and I feel like it's time to end this. Both of them have been waiting for so long, and I should have realized that the sooner I get it over with, the sooner we could move on. I'm sure it won't be easy, but....this has to be done, other wise I'll break both their hearts at once.

I slowly walk up to Jay and Cole, who are sitting on a rock, facing away from each-other. I look down at my feet, rubbing my left arm with my right hand. "G-Guys..." I choke out. They both look up at my voice. "I, well...I, uh..." I gulped. "Whats wrong, Nya?" Jay asks with concern. "Is Zane really getting to you?" Cole asks, standing up. "N-No! That's not it!!" I stammer. 'Just get it over with, Nya!!' I think in frustration. "I've chosen....w-who...." I feel guilty inside, but push it away. 'I need to let this go.' I think.

"I've chosen between you guys." They both look up, surprised. "Well, okay. Than tell us." Cole said. Jay had quickly stood up, a little too eager, though Cole had that same look in his eyes.

I kept staring at my feet for a few moments. 'Alright....3....2.....1' I think, than blurt, "Jay, I-I'm sorry." I look up to see their faces. "Cole..." I muttered. Cole's eyes brightened, and he even let out a small smile. Jay looked like he had watched Zane die, except 10X worse than his actual death.

Instantly, I felt all the panic, the feelings of regret, and guiltiness I've felt since I had to choose between them vanish. I felt free again... I even let out a sigh of relief.

Cole P.O.V

I'm glad she finally chose between me and Jay! Though, was there really an doubt she'd choose me? Once I think about it, how smart she is, how talented she can be...we actually do make a fine couple. I do feel bad for Jay, though...he DID have Nya first, but than again, sometimes we have to move on.

"Well, I'm glad you've chosen." I say, than turn to Jay. "No hard feelings?" Jay looks up at me, and he looks like he's about to cry, but quickly shakes his head. "No hard....feelings...." He says, looking down at his feet. "I have to, uh....go." Jay turns and runs back to the city.

"Jay!" Nya starts, but I put my hand on her shoulder. "Give him a second, I'll go after him after he has had a while to calm down." I said. Nya looked up at me, and did a small smile. "Yeah...he'll understand, right?" She asked, leaning aginst me. "I hope he will..." I replied.

Jay P.O.V

'Why...? Why did it have to be Cole...? Why...?!' I think, running as far as I can from the new couple. Even though I couldn't see them, I knew they were smiling, maybe even talking about how amazing their relationship will be.

Before I knew it, I'm up on top of a building in Ninjago City, looking over the land, and even being able to see the out-line of the ocean shore. It seemed really beautiful, especially with the sunset just behind the mountains, with orange and yellow clouds....it would be even more beautiful if Nya were here, smiling at me. Maybe we could've been inventing a new invention together....or thinking of ways to stop the Nindroids that still ran amuck, though no longer in the city.

I grabbed a rock near by, and threw it, imagining it was all my anger flying away. It didn't help, I still felt heart-broken. "Two years..." I muttered, throwing another rock. "Two years we were together...going on adventures, making up jokes, saving Ninjago..."

I thought of the first time I saw Nya, and I couldn't help but love her. She seemed smart, out-going, fun. She didn't care about all the girly stuff, make-up and all. She would even play video games once in a while with me.

Than I remembered....at Mega Monster Amusement Park, where I had discovered my full potential. I thought she was gonna die, but I wanted to die with her, so she wasn't alone, even though I was half snake. Then she told me about not being someone I'm not....that I'm the best me, and kissed me. I remember my heart beating so fast, my eyes widdening, and my mind being blurred. 'She kissed me...' I had thought. 'She...loves me...'

I didn't notice it, but I was crying. Tears streaming down my face, thinking about Nya...how special she is...how important she is to me.... I let the tears fall, because this may be one of the saddest moments in my life. "First Zane, now Nya..." I whipser to myself, whipping a tear off my cheek.

"I thought we said no hard feelings."

I spun around, eyes wide. Cole was standing there. I quickly turn around and wipe my tears away. "W-What do you want?!" I snapped, trying to sound like I wasn't crying. "I got worried when you ran off." Cole shrugged, walking nex to me.

I imediatly turned away with a, "Humph..." Cole heasitaded for a bit, than put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly waved it away. "Just...leave me alone!!" I snapped.

Cole P.O.V

I knew he was being distant. Than again, I might act the same way after this huge break-up. 'Maybe I should've waited longer...' I thought. But I was here, and I couldn't simply turn away. "Jay." I repeated, forcing him to face me. His face showed every sign of hatred, but his eyes were red. A sign that he had been crying.

"There are other girls, you know." I said. Jay tried to turn away again, but I held my hands on his shoulders firmly. "Exactly, Cole. had Nya, but YOU couldn't be happy with someone else." Jay said coldly. "True, but sometimes we all have to move on." I said.

"I don't get it...you have known Nya for just as long as me, but now your falling for her. After all this time, now your stealing her heart." Jay said, trying to turn away again. This time, I let go of his shoulders this time, and Jay once again faced away from me.

"Like I said, we have to move on. And love can take some time to settle in." I shrugged. Jay gave me a long glare for this comment. "But listen." I continued. "I know it may take awhile, but we need to put this behind us. Now that we know that Nya's heart is no longer divided, she can be happy. We both can be happy, too." "Sureeeeee..." Jay groaned.

"Just think....this is all for Nya." I finished. I stood up, and turned. Jay didn't say goodbye, he simply stared off into the beginning night. I sighed, and climbed down the building. I heard a thump as Jay threw a rock angrily out into the city.

Jay P.O.V

'Calm down Jay!' I snapped at myself after throwing the rock. I took a few deep breaths, than thought of Coles words. 'This is all for Nya...' I thought. Well, she is happy now. I mean, she doesn't have two boys fighting over her now, and her heart isn't torn in two anymore...

But I can't let it go. At least, not yet.

For now, I hate Cole with all my heart. Maybe in the future, we'll become good friends like we did, which what seems to long ago.

I stood up and looked over the now light up city. "Nya..." I said out-loud to myself. "Your heart may belong in someone elses hands now, but no matter what....I'll love you forever, and protect you."

Maybe those words would one day turn meaningless....maybe one day I won't feel the same way about Nya, but for now, I feel more tattered and broken down than before. Zane and Nya were out of my grip, it seemed....but both of them will be there, in my heart, and in memories...

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