Chapter 3

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Cam called up Francisco’s and told them nothing but positive things about me. He said that I would be a really good addition to the team, amongst other things. It took them a couple days to look over my resume before they soon called me in for an interview. Cam let me borrow some nice clothes for it and I went in. They asked me a few questions that were related to customer service, such as what I would do in a stressful situation and so on. I answered to the best of my ability, giving what I thought to be decent answers. Thankfully, they wanted to hire me on the spot, which I graciously accepted. After doing a mouth swab drug screening, which came back negative, as well as a background check, I was called back to do orientation, which mainly consisted of a lot of stuff on the computer, such as how to make the food. It was simple to understand. After orientation, I started my first day of work a couple days later. It went over well; Cam was there too, even though he was on delivery like he always is. The coworkers that worked in the kitchen with me showed me around and taught me how to do just about everything there, just to make sure I got everything down. Since I don’t have to deal with customers, the job itself isn’t as stressful for me as Richardson’s was. That’s definitely a relief. All I gotta do is cook the food and make sure it’s all done right. I’m now clocking out of my second day of work with Cam, and I must say, I’m exhausted. We headed out to his car, metal music cranked up in it as Cam drove us home.

“Well, how was that? We got on the same time, and we got off at the same time too,” Cam said, rolling down the window as he smoked a cigarette.

“It was good. Just tiring making all those damn pizzas and breadsticks,”

“Yeah, that’ll happen to you. Well at least we’re off for the rest of the day. Now to get set up with that party we’re gonna have tonight,”

Oh shit. I completely forgot that today is Saturday, which is when Cam planned to throw a party at his place. How could I forget? God, I could be really stupid sometimes. Well, I know now what I am to expect tonight--Cam getting drunk and having sex with one or more women as everyone around me gets equally as smashed as I awkwardly sit there, being the only sober one at the party...unless I also decide to get drunk.

“Oh...right,” I said reluctantly. “I forgot about that,”

“Nah, it’s all good. All I gotta do is pick up some more liquor and we’re all set,” Cam replied, taking a drag from his cancer stick. “I told you that more people are gonna be coming over, right? More than just the rest of the boys, right?”

“Yeah, I think so,”


“Why?” I asked.

Cam didn’t respond. He just smiled, laughing a little. He soon threw out what remained of his cigarette, rolling the window back up.

“Max...I got a feeling about something, to be honest. I got a feeling that you’re gonna meet someone special tonight,” he said. I cocked my head to the side, confused. What did he mean that I was gonna “meet someone special”? Does he mean someone that could potentially be my next boyfriend or girlfriend? I guess so.

“You think so?” I asked.

“Yeah, man. I’ve got a really good feeling about it, in fact,” Cam nodded, the smile on his face widening. I really didn’t know how to respond to that. I just shrugged my shoulders and stayed quiet as we drove back to the apartment.

_ _ _
    After heading to the liquor store for more beer and vodka, as well as a few other things, me and Cam headed back to the apartment. Cam called up our bandmates and told them to get their asses over here now. He then called a few more other people. It was the last person he called that made me a bit curious. He went into his room and shut the door when he called this person in particular. I wonder what they were talking about. I hope it had nothing to do with me…

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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