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Well I don't know how much you guys have touched my heart! I officaly have 20k reads on this book! That's sooo crazy! I went into this thinking I would maybe get 100 views but that was going wayyy over I thought. So I thought It would be a great idea to give you guys a gift. 

Many of you guys have been asking for my tiktok so I guess I could give it to you! I am cringy but like oh well your all worth it! 

My TikTok:  lovely0ky

                                               NOW FOR THE GIFT!!! 

So I thought It would be fun to do a little story time from the past. So a story from one easter day from when the twins were little!! YAY!!!! 

Ava's POV 

I woke up the next day to the twins jumping up and down ontop of me. "Easter Mommy Easter!!!" I looked at my phone. It was 6:10 am. Oh goodness. I guess we have to get up. "Ok! Lets go wake up Griff and Mads and Bryce and Rachel!" I said as the kids instantly got up and ran out of our room. I turned over to Josh. "Josh hunn you need to wake up before the kids come and jump on your head" He then slowly got up. We went downstairs and seen the twins with Griffin and going into Mads and Jadens room. They were jumping on there bed. "Wake up! Its easter!" Jaden opened his eyes and realized what was going on. "Did the bunny come?" Jaden asked Owen. "Yes! Get up! Get up!" Owen said pulling Jaden. Mads slowly got up and looked at everyone. "What time is it?" Mads asked. "Egg Time!!!!" Bella said pulled Mads out of her bed. We left there room and seen Rose up with Bryce and Rachel. We went out in the living room to see it full of eggs. There was atleast a thousand of them just in this room. 

The kids ran and grabbed the baskets with there names and went and grabbed eggs. Bella and Owen were helping each other. They would give each other eggs instead of getting there own. It was the most cutest thing ever. Rose would get mad cause no one would give her eggs. She then started to pout and have a fit on the ground. She was having a whole melt down. Rachel went over to Rose. "Oh my gosh! My baby! What happened!?"Rachel said babying Rose. I don't think Rose is gonna end up being the greatest kid cause of this but shes the mom not me. Owen grabbed an egg and brought it over to Jaden. "Your Egg!" Owen said giving Jaden the egg. Then Bella grabbed two eggs. She gave one to Mads and one to Griffin. She brought the egg to griffin and kissed his cheek. 

There were still hundreds of eggs everywhere and Bella and Owen were sitting and opening there eggs. Bella opened an egg and found a green candy. Right when she seen it she said "Uncle Griff likes green candy!" She then brought it over to Griffin. Then went back to there spot. They would open one egg and play with what was in it then like 5 minutes later they would open anouther egg. Bella opened an egg and found a red candy. She brought it to Rose and handed it to her "Rose likes red candy!" Rose took the candy and threw it. I felt really bad for Bella. Bella started to cry. "Rose don't like me.." Bella said. Griffin walked over to Bella and picked her up and spun her around. "Hey Bella guess what?" Griffin said to Bella. "I got you a gift!" Griffin said then pulled out a box. Bella opened it and pulled out a beautifull spring yellow dress. "Wow Griff is so pretty! Can I put it on!" Griffin nodded. Then Bella ran to her room and put on the dress. She came out and spun around in her dress. She ran to Griffin and hugged him. "Fank You Griff!" Bella said hugging Griffin. Owen comes running up to Bella. "Wow Bella I love your dress! Its soo perty on you!" "Fanks Owen!" Bella said pulling Owen into a hug. 

Rose then started to cry. Rachel ran over to Rose and hugged her. "Hey its ok! Whats wrong?" "Bella has perty dress and Rose no dress!" Rose started to throw anouther fit. Rachel still wasn't doing anything about it. I just tried to focus on Owen and Bella. I then remembered I had a little easter bow tie for Owen. I ran to my room and grabbed it. I brought it down for him and gave it to him. He was so happy. He ran to Josh and asked for him to put it on for him. Then when he had it on he ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Jaden had Chocolate bunnys for everyone. He gave one to each adult then gave one to each kid. He brought the last one over to Rose. Rose took it and threw it across the room. "I WANTED PINK BUNNY!!!" Rose yelled as she threw the bunny across the room. I could tell Jaden was angry. "Rose you do not talk to me like that. You say thank you for the gift. Now you get no bunny." Jaden said as he brought Roses bunny over to him and Mads. 

We finished the day with looking through the eggs and playing with everything they got. 

Thanks for reading the Easter Special!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! 

But I Want You 💛Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang